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词汇 命令
例句 Her request savoured of a command.她的请求含有命令意味。He growled a command to her to stop.他咆哮著命令她停下来。His soldiers ordered the two men out of the vehicle.他的士兵命令这两个人从车里出来。We were ordered not to shoot until he gave the signal.命令我们在他发出信号之前不能开枪。The cruelty with which Mengele's orders were carried out was ruthless and calculated.门格勒的命令执行时不留情面,残酷无比,并经过精心策划。I'm not taking orders from you!我可不会接受你的命令The suggestion was in effect an order.这个建议其实就是个命令Tell the men to hold their fire until I give the order.告诉士兵没有我的命令不要开火。The guard ordered him to freeze.守卫命令他不许动。A portrait of the queen was commissioned.为王后画像的命令已下达。She instructed us to remain in our seats.命令我们坐在原位不动。Churchill issued a new order overriding previous instructions.丘吉尔发布了一项新的命令,撤销了在这之前的指令。The police ordered the criminals to lay down their weapons.警方命令罪犯放下他们的武器。His command cracked out like a pistol shot.他大声发出命令,声如鸣枪。We are expected to obey his commands.我们要服从他的命令Since it is an instruction, I will carry it out.既然是命令,我遵照执行。The commander's orders must be obeyed at all times.任何时候都必须服从指挥官的命令The plane circled for an hour before receiving permission to land.飞机盘旋一小时后才接到允许着陆的命令They ordered everyone out of the house.他们命令房子里的所有人出去。A storm was coming, so the captain ordered us to tie everything down.暴风雨即将来袭,船长命令我们系紧所有物品。The captain ordered the quartermaster to send out a signal.船长命令舵手发信号。He commanded them to go out and make disciples of all nations.命令他们走遍四方,使世界各国的人都成为信徒。There was a confusion of shouts and orders as the ship prepared to depart.船准备启航时,呼喊声和命令声乱成一团。We were ordered to hand over our passports.有人命令我们交出护照。When I bade him yield he cast down his sword and made himself my slave.命令他投降,于是他丢下剑,成为我的奴隶。They have issued a general warning/order.他们向全体人员发出了警告/命令The change of command naturally sent ripples through the upper echelons of the Army.命令的改变自然引起了军方上层的一连串反应。He started issuing peremptory instructions.他开始下达一些强制性的命令He defied the order of the court.他蔑视法庭的命令I can't countermand an order Winger's given.我无法撤销温格下的命令Orders were passed to the commander at the front in an abbreviated form.命令以缩略的形式传达给前线指挥官。Three hours before first light Fuentes gave orders for the evacuation of the camp.拂晓前三小时,富恩特斯命令撤离宿营地。Orders to blow up the bridge were countermanded.炸桥的命令被撤回了。Army factions mutinied against orders from Beijing.军队派系反抗政府的命令The group is acting in defiance of a government order.这个组织正在采取违抗政府命令的行动。Orders had come from on high that extra care was to be taken during this week.上面下了命令,本周要格外小心。The city was evacuated by order of the mayor.按照市长的命令,全城撤离了。The original orders were cancelled and I was given fresh instructions.原来的命令撤销了,我又接到了新的指令。The Captain ordered his men to fire.上尉命令手下开火。He takes no orders except from the king.他只接受国王一个人的命令




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