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词汇 周四
例句 I won't be in on Thursday - it's my day off.周四不在——那天我休息。I've committed myself to a meeting on Thursday. = I'm committed to a meeting on Thursday. 我已答应参加周四的一个会议。I'm having the final fitting of my wedding dress on Thursday.周四我要最后试穿一次结婚礼服。The club offers free entry to women on Thursdays.俱乐部周四免费向女士开放。I'll keep Thursday afternoon clear in case we need to meet.我会把周四下午空出来以备万一到时我们需要碰头。It's ages since I've seen her so it'll be nice to meet her in town on Thursday.自上次见她以来已很长时间了,非常高兴周四会在城里见到她。I do the ironing on Wednesdays and the cooking on Thursdays. 我每周三熨衣服,周四做饭。I can't manage Thursday. Can we meet on Friday instead?周四我不行,我们改为周五见面怎么样?I want to work at home on a Tuesday but as it turns out sometimes it's a Wednesday or a Thursday.我想周二在家工作,但实际上有时却是周三或是周四Parents are invited to attend the open house next Thursday.学生家长受到邀请去参加下周四的学校参观日。Thursday is Ascension Day, when the church observes the bodily ascension of Christ into heaven.周四是耶稣升天日,到时候教堂要举行耶稣圣体升天仪式。I met him on a Thursday, and by the following Tuesday we were great friends.周四和他相识,到接下来的周二时已经成了非常要好的朋友。News of the accident didn't trickle out until Thursday.事故的消息至周四才透露出来。I have to get my application in by Thursday.我得在周四前递交申请。The office will be issuing permits on Tuesday and Thursday mornings.办事处将在周二和周四的上午颁发许可证。She was in surgery for two hours Thursday.周四她做了两小时的手术。More than a week ago, Thursday evening to be precise, Susanne was at her evening class.一个多星期以前,确切地说是周四晚上,苏珊在夜校上课。Please note that there will be no class next Thursday.请注意下周四不上课。There's a meeting on Thursday night.周四晚上有一个会议。It's annoying that we can't travel until Thursday, but the upside is that tickets are cheaper then.烦人的是我们要等到周四才能出发去旅行,但好处是到时票价会便宜些。Perhaps I can stall him till Thursday or Friday.或许我能把他拖到周四或周五。Students should turn their papers in on Thursday.学生们应该周四提交论文。Antarctic air brought biting cold to southern Chile on Thursday.周四,南极气流给智利南部带来了刺骨的严寒。We like to get the marketing done on Thursdays so we can have the weekend free.我们喜欢周四去买东西,这样周末就能自由安排了。It may be possible to fly the women and children out on Thursday.周四可能会将妇女和儿童空运出去。Dominic will be having his first driving lesson this Thursday.周四,多米尼克将要上第一堂驾驶课。Government officials visited the earthquake zone on Thursday morning to co-ordinate the relief effort.政府官员在周四上午视察了地震灾区以协调救援工作。Next Thursday's game is very important - if Italy lose they will be out of the World Cup.周四的比赛很重要一如果意大利队输了就会被淘汰出世界杯赛。I went to Edinburgh on Thursday.周四去了爱丁堡。We've switched the meeting from Tuesday to Thursday.我们把会议从周二改到了周四On a Thursday she used to do all the baking.过去每逢周四,她会把烤东西的活儿都做了。The luxury liner steamed into New York on Thursday.豪华客轮周四驶进了纽约。The two days between Monday and Thursday are Tuesday and Wednesday.周一和周四之间的两天是周二和周三。On Thursday the industrials moved up more than 50 points.周四工业股上升了超过五十点。Have your secretary set up a meeting for Thursday.让你的秘书在周四安排一次会议。Several important changes are expected in the line-up for Thursday's game.周四的比赛中,球队的阵容预计将有一些重大变化。We're done with our appetizer of Thursday's NFL games.周四的全国橄榄球联盟赛已经激起了我们的强烈兴趣。The furniture store is delivering our new bed on Thursday.家具店将在周四把我们的新床送来。He appeared at Manchester Crown Court on Thursday on a drink-driving charge.他因被控醉酒驾车而于周四在曼彻斯特的刑事法庭受审。His funeral will be on Thursday at Blackburn Cathedral.他的葬礼将于周四在布莱克本大教堂举行。




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