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例句 The information is there; it just isn't laid out clearly.信息是有了,只是呈现得不够清楚。He cast his work in the form of a chart.他以图表形式呈现了自己的作品。The demographic trend in this city is towards an older population.这座城市的人口呈现老龄化的趋势。We present the world's finest racing drivers in a spectacle of great daring and skill.我们呈现世界最佳赛车手展示勇敢和技巧的壮观场面。If you decide to do you own make-up, here are a few valuable tips that will help you look your best.如果你决定自己化妆,这里有一些有用的小窍门,可以帮助你呈现最美的一面。The result was a seesaw motion.结果呈现上下波动。The scarred side of his face was a livid red.他的脸上有伤疤的一侧呈现青红色。The shadow of death is on his face.他脸上呈现死亡的阴影。His designs contain symbolic representations of landscape.他的设计含有对景观的符号化呈现These stories offer plenty of wisdom to readers.这些故事呈现给读者大量信息。Under certain conditions, the chemical will assume the appearance of ice.在一定条件下,这种化学品会呈现冰状。Radio talk programmes present a distorted picture of public opinion.电台谈话节目呈现的是被歪曲的公众舆论。The sea is an improbably pale turquoise.海水呈现不可思议的淡青绿色。The book presents a popularized version of American history.这本书通俗地呈现了美国历史。We sat in horror watching the scenes of violence unfold before us.我们惊恐地呆坐着,目睹暴力场景一幕幕在眼前呈现The produce markets will exhibit a seasonal heaviness.农产品市场将呈现季节性呆滞。Now this machine gives us such high resolution that we can see very small specks of calcium.现在这台机器可以呈现很高的分辨率,我们可以看见非常小的钙微粒。It presented in satirical terms points made in earnest by Catholic writers.它用讽刺的语言呈现了天主教作家郑重其事表明的观点。The play presents a panorama of the history of communism.这场演出呈现了共产主义历史的全貌。Valleys often take the form of deep canyons.山谷时常呈现为纵深的峡谷。She was able to figure the results in a neat diagram.她能用简洁的示意图来呈现结果。She could see the grief coming back into his face.她看出他的脸上再次呈现悲痛。The tree was in its last lushness before autumn, its branches thick with leaves.这棵树枝繁叶茂,呈现着秋季来临前最后的葱郁。In a mirage the desert will mimic a lake.出现海市蜃楼时,沙漠会呈现湖泊的形象。The peacocks feathered and lovely colours began to appear.孔雀长出了羽毛,鲜艳的颜色开始呈现He presents a truly chilling message in this article.他在这篇文章里呈现了一种真正令人胆寒的思想。Sometimes we passively watch scenes unfolding, as though we are watching a film.有时我们一动不动地看着景色逐渐地呈现,就像在看电影一样。The photo showed Marlin lying on his left side, his knees drawn up in the fetal position.照片上,马林向左边侧卧着,双膝蜷曲,呈现着胎姿。Frothy urine due to large amounts of protein is a sign of membranous nephropathy.尿液因含有大量蛋白质而呈现泡沫是膜性肾病的症状。The patient was admitted presenting with flu-like symptoms.病人因呈现类流感症状而被收治。Journalists should present a balanced picture of events.新闻工作者应客观公正地将新闻事件的面貌呈现给读者。The city took on a festive air.城里呈现一派节日气象。My reasons were stated in writing and circulated to all committee members.我提出的几个理由以书面形式呈现,在所有委员会成员中传阅。In the fall the woods is a symphony in red, brown and yellow.在秋天,这些树林呈现一片和谐的红色,棕色和黄色。The data had been presented misleadingly.这些数据的呈现容易使人产生误解。The government is now claiming that inflation is on a downward trajectory.政府现在宣称通货膨胀呈现下降趋势。The newspaper sought to present a range of opinions without compromising its impartiality.这家报纸力图在无损其公正原则的前提下呈现各种各样的观点。The scenery showed a forest/bedroom.舞台上呈现的是一片森林/一间卧室。All material must be selected and presented without bias.所有材料都必须不带偏见地加以选择和呈现The tablets colour the urine a bright yellow.这种药片会使尿液呈现亮黄色。




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