例句 |
He squashed out the cigarette he was smoking.他把吸着的烟掐灭了。They stood on the cliff breathing in the fresh sea air.他们站在悬崖上吸着新鲜的海洋空气。She was sitting on the grass sucking lemonade through a straw.她坐在草地上,用吸管吸着柠檬汁。The baby eagerly sucked the bottle.婴儿急切地吸着奶瓶。She sipped her lemonade through a straw.她用吸管吸着柠檬水。She was taking quick puffs at her cigarette like a beginner.她像刚开始抽烟的人一样很快地吸着。This beer should be drawn slowly.这啤酒应该慢慢地吸着喝。He came up from the water, greedily gulping in air.他从水里冒出头来,贪婪地大口吸着气。He nodded and puffed on a stubby pipe as he listened.他边听边点头,还吸着一支粗短的烟斗。She lit her last cigarette, and drew on it slowly.她点起最后一支烟,慢慢地吸着。The baby drank her bottle.婴儿吸着奶瓶。She fought for breath, taking in great gasps of air.她呼吸急促,大口地吸着气。 |