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词汇 吸毒者
例句 These early experimenters with the weed can in some sense be seen as miscreant drug users.在某种程度上,可以将这些早期试用烟草的人视为可恶的吸毒者Drug users often become thieves in order to support their addiction.吸毒者为满足毒瘾常常行窃。The city has proposed a plan to register all drug users at a special clinic.该市已提出一项计划,让所有的吸毒者到一家专科诊所作登记。If you share needles with other drug users, you're signing your own death warrant. 如果与其他吸毒者共用针头,就等于自寻死路。Because she was lumped together with alcoholics and hard-drug users, Claire felt out of place.因为被归入了酒鬼和吸毒者当中,克莱尔觉得很不自在。The AIDS awareness campaign was targeted mainly at high-risk groups, especially drug users and prostitutes.提高艾滋病意识的运动主要是针对高危群体发起的,尤其针对吸毒者和妓女。Once a user himself, Gary now works as a counsellor helping other addicts.加里曾经是个吸毒者,现在他当起了顾问,帮助其他的吸毒者Are there any questions that can help pick out a drug addict?有没有任何问题可以帮助认出吸毒者?Even doctors may look on these patients as drug addicts and treat them as social outcasts.甚至连医生都可能把这些病人看作是吸毒者,并把他们当成被社会遗弃的人来对待。The police issued a warning to all drug users in the city.警方向全市所有的吸毒者提出了告诫。The country's prisons are filled with drug-takers, and cannot cope with the numbers.这个国家的监狱关满了吸毒者,数量之大令其难以应对。The brother Ian had once hero-worshipped was now an unemployed drug addict.伊恩曾经非常崇拜的哥哥现在成了个无业的吸毒者Of course, not all alcoholics and drug abusers produce deviant offspring.当然,并不是所有的酗酒者和吸毒者都会生育出不正常的后代。The most tragic sight of all was the very young addicts.在看到的所有景象中,最可叹是那些非常年轻的吸毒者Many drug addicts become infected with HIV by using shared needles.许多吸毒者因为共用一个针头而感染了艾滋病病毒。He is furious they are making huge profits out of the misery of young addicts.看到他们从年轻吸毒者的痛苦中榨取暴利,他怒不可遏。Perhaps her death will serve as a warning to others tempted to use drugs.或许她的死会使其他受诱惑吸毒者警醒。Addicts were forced to buy from street dealers.吸毒者不得不从街头小贩那里购买毒品。In recent years, the emphasis has moved away from punishing drug addicts towards / toward helping them.近几年,重点已从惩罚吸毒者转为帮助他们。Many drug users get involved in crime simply in order to pay for their supplies of cocaine and heroin.许多吸毒者去犯罪只是为了弄钱来买可卡因和海洛因。People tend to regard drug addicts as the dregs of society.人们往往把吸毒者当作社会的渣滓。The speech saying drug users should be shot was clearly facetious, but it contained a serious point.讲话中说吸毒者应该被枪毙显然是句玩笑话,但却包含着一个严肃的观点。Empty houses attract drug users and transients.无人居住的房子会吸引吸毒者和流浪者。Most drug abusers relapse within a year.大多数吸毒者一年内会重染恶习。Homeless people are stereotyped as alcoholics or addicts.无家可归者被一律看成是酗酒者或吸毒者There is a growing concern about the spread of AIDS among drug users.艾滋病在吸毒者中蔓延越来越引起人们的关注了。Any drug user who shares a needle is at risk of acquiring AIDS.共用针头的吸毒者都有感染艾滋病的风险。Drug users are at risk when they share needles.吸毒者共用注射针很危险。Many users end up dealing to support their habit.许多吸毒者到头来要靠做毒品买卖来满足自己的毒瘾。We are getting the message across to drug users that sharing needles is a high-risk behaviour.我们向吸毒者宣传,合用注射针头是很危险的做法。Dean was a drug addict who was constantly on the run from the police.迪安是个吸毒者,经常在逃避警方的追缉。Like many users she had graduated to becoming a dealer.像许多吸毒者一样,她渐渐沦为毒贩。The toilets are often used by junkies who leave their needles lying around on the floor.这些洗手间经常有吸毒者使用,地上到处都有他们留下的针头。Police are launching a new crackdown on drug users.警方正在对吸毒者进行新一轮的打击。His son was a junkie, the kid OD'd a year ago.他儿子是个吸毒者,这孩子一年前吸食了过量毒品。The most tragical sight of all was the very young addicts.那些非常年轻的吸毒者是人们所见到的最可悲的一幕。




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