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词汇 capital
例句 The city essentially owes its fame and beauty to the Moors who transformed it into the Muslim capital of Spain.该城的声名与美丽基本上要归功于将它变成西班牙穆斯林之都的摩尔人。Hundreds were arrested during demonstrations in the capital.发生在首都的示威游行中几百人被捕。Colmar has long been considered the capital of the wine trade.科尔马长期以来一直被视为葡萄酒贸易中心。Australia's capital city is Canberra.澳大利亚的首都是堪培拉。This town is the region's cultural capital.这个小镇是当地的文化中心。Paris is the French capital.巴黎是法国的首都。Recent news reports on the situation in the capital have helped rally support for the war.最近有关首都形势的新闻报道有利于动员力量支持战争。The number of attacks on the capital had gone down over the past week.上一周对首都的袭击次数已经减少了。News reached the capital that two garrisons in the south had revolted against the government.消息传到首都,说南方有两支卫戍部队发生反政府叛乱。The rebels continue their push towards the beleaguered capital.叛军继续向四面被围的首都推进。The corporation has enough capital to build another factory.这家公司有足够的资金来兴建另一家工厂。Austin is the state capital of Texas.奥斯丁是得克萨斯州州府。The figures show evidence that murders in the nation's capital are beginning to level off.数据表明,该国首都谋杀案件的数量开始趋于稳定。They've even mounted guard outside the main hotel in the capital.他们甚至派人在首都的大饭店外面站岗。The deposed leader is reported to have fled the capital to an unknown destination.据报道被废黜的领导人已逃离首都,去向不明。Attacks on industrial capital were modulated to attacks on monopoly.对工业资本的抨击调整为对垄断的抨击。Some people are demanding the return of capital punishment for murder.有些人要求对杀人犯恢复死刑。He has climbed down on pledges to reduce capital gains tax.他已经作出退让,许诺降低资本收益税。The rebels continued their advance on the capital city.判军继续向首都推进。Alicante is the provincial capital.阿利坎特是省会。With a conventional repayment mortgage, the repayments consist of both capital and interest.常规的按揭还款额既包含本金也包括利息。Every sentence should start with a capital letter.每个句子都应该以大写字母开头。The visit to the ancient capital city was one of the high points of the tour.参观古都是这次旅游中最精彩的内容之一。More and more old people have capital tied up in a house.越来越多老年人的资金全让房子给套牢了。He lost his accent after moving to the capital.他搬到首都后说话就不再带有口音了。He helicoptered to the capital.他乘直升机来到首都。It absorbed vast amounts of capital that could have been used for investment.它消耗掉了原本可用于投资的大笔资金。New York City is the media capital of the United States.纽约市是美国的媒体中心。The soldiers commandeered vehicles in the capital and occupied the television station.士兵们在首都征用车辆,并占领了电视台。He'd raked together every pfennig of reserve capital from friends.他挨个儿从朋友那里把他们存下的每一分钱都搜罗来了。The people did not cease to resist even after the fall of the capital.即使在首都失陷以后人民也没有停止抵抗。It is required by law to shut down banks which it regards as chronically short of capital.法律规定资金长期短缺的银行必须关闭。The implication of this line of reasoning is that globalization of capital is destructive.这种推理暗示着资本的全球化是毁灭性的。Most democracies have abolished capital punishment.多数民主国家已经废除了死刑。He moved an amendment limiting capital punishment to certain very serious crimes.他提出了一项修改动议,将死刑只限用于某些非常严重的罪行。Write your name and address in capital letters.你的名字和地址要大写。We didn't have to outlay any capital.我们没有任何资本支出。Demonstrators clashed with government soldiers in the country's capital yesterday.昨天示威者在该国首都与政府军士兵发生了冲突。The latest flash from the capital says that the fighting has been escalated.来自首都的最新电讯说战斗已经升级。In the first exercise you have to match each capital city to its country.在第一个练习中,你必须把首都和它们所属的国家配对。




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