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词汇 听话
例句 Try to keep the leash taut, as it will help your puppy to learn.尽量拉紧小狗的绳子,这样它会学听话些。Students are expected to be quiet and obedient in the classroom.学生们在课堂上应该安静听话She was much naughtier than her compliant brother.她哥哥很听话,她却调皮得多。As a child she was obedient and truthful.她小时候听话诚实。He could easily manage his tractable and worshipping younger brother.他能轻而易举地管住听话并且崇拜自己的弟弟。The phoneme is the smallest meaningful unit of sound a listener can perceive.音素是听话人所能识别的最小的有意义的语音单位。A good teacher has an easy authority over a class.出色的老师轻而易举就能让一个班的学生听话The children stood in a little group disciplined, and obedient.孩子们站成一个小组,又守纪律又听话This horse responds to the bridle.这匹马听话好驾驭。Bruno was a quiet and obedient little boy.布鲁诺是个文静听话的小男孩。The baby is very good-tempered. 这个婴儿很听话That's enough, Peter. Give those toys back, please.够了,彼得。把那些玩具还回去,听话They wanted a low-cost, docile workforce.他们想要廉价、听话的劳动力。The child obeyed and went to bed.孩子听话睡觉去了。The children stood obediently in line.孩子们听话地排成一队。Be good when we visit your aunt.我们在你姑妈家作客时你要听话He's a very tractable child.他是个很听话的孩子。The naughty child had to come to heel when he went to school.那个顽皮孩子上了学就不得不听话了。Sarah's little charges were not very well behaved.萨拉照看的小孩子们不太听话Be good, or the bogeyman will come and get you!听话,不然妖怪就会来抓你!His students were docile and eager to learn.他的学生又听话又好学。I don't think it's a good thing for children to be too pliant.我认为孩子太听话了并不是件好事。Caroline was angry at her own tameness.卡罗琳为她自己的听话感到恼火。They knew he was too weak to disobey.他们知道他太软弱,不会不听话Patients who are less compliant may be forced to take medication against their will.不太听话的病人可能要被强迫服药。Some people saw her amenability as an attempt to curry favour with the managers.有些人认为她听话是为了讨好经理们。Don remained entirely subservient to his father.唐一直对他父亲恭顺听话Anne trotted obediently beside her mother.安妮听话地跟在妈妈身边小跑。She just looks at him, and he comes running like a puppy.她只是看着他,而他像只小狗一般听话Research shows that pupils who are good at maths tend to be more conformist and obedient than other pupils.调查研究发现,数学好的学生往往比其他学生规矩听话The malleable mayor of New York was under his control.这位听话的纽约市市长听命于他。If you're a good boy at the doctor's, I'll take you swimming afterwards.看医生的时候你要是听话,看完病我就带你去游泳。Be a good boy and eat up your broccoli.乖乖听话,把花椰菜吃了。He called the dog off and it immediately obeyed.他叫狗离开,狗听话地马上就跑开了。By this time she was so cowed by the beatings that she meekly obeyed.到这时候她已经被打怕了,只好乖乖听话The dog followed obediently at her heels.那只狗听话地跟在她身后。The meekest, most submissive wife of today is a tiger by her grandmother's standards.在现今最温顺听话的妻子,以她祖母的标准来看,都称得上是母老虎。Ruth's children are always so good.鲁思的孩子们总是那么听话He wanted a sweet, pliable, obedient wife.他想找一个温柔、听话、顺从的妻子。He's a good little boy.他是个听话的小男孩。




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