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例句 She was elated at/about/over the news.听到这一消息她欣喜若狂。A short time later I heard a noise outside and went to investigate.过了一小会儿我听到外面有响声便出去查看。We heard an explosion and dived for cover.我们听到爆炸声就迅速找掩护隐蔽起来。We heard the chink of coins from the slot machine.我们听到了老虎机里硬币的碰撞声。I was sorry to hear of your father's death.听到你父亲过世的消息我很难过。Civilians were fleeing in all directions as soldiers yelled at them to get off the streets.听到士兵大叫着让他们从街上撤离,平民百姓们纷纷四处逃散。Every now and then you hear some bombs bursting.你会时不时地听到一些爆炸声。She heard music coming from inside the van as it drove past.小货车驶过的时候她听到有音乐从里面传出来。We tried to creep up on them but they heard our footsteps.我们试图悄悄靠近他们,但他们听到了我们的脚步声。Have you heard the latest score?听到最新比分了吗?We heard the sound of a bagpipe.我们听到了风笛声。I heard him utter a curse before the microphone was shut off.在麦克风关掉之前,我听到他说了句骂人的话。I got back from my vacation eager to hear all the latest gossip.我度假回来,迫不及待地想听到所有的最新的传闻。I was preparing for bed when I heard a knock at the door.我正准备睡觉时听到有人敲门。The cars had stopped at the sound of the approaching siren.这些汽车听到愈来愈近的警笛声便停了下来。The more I heard about him, the more fascinated I became.他的事我听到得越多,我就越对他入迷。He heard a car engine racing behind him.听到身后汽车引擎高速运转的声音。I heard a cry for help from inside the building.听到楼里传出一声呼救。He heard tyres squeal as the car braked to avoid a collision.为避免撞车而刹车时,他听到了轮胎发出的刺耳声音。I heard the squeak of a mouse.听到一只老鼠吱吱的叫声。It was the dog he'd heard the night before last.他前天晚上听到的是狗叫声。He goes coy with the allusion to his crime.听到有人影射他的罪行,他便羞愧难当。He'd doubtless heard rumours on the grapevine.他肯定听到了小道传闻。When the teacher assigned extra homework, she heard a few grumbles from the kids.要是再让我听到你抱怨饭不好吃,你就自己做!I saw Sean's face cloud over at this blatant lie.我看见肖恩听到这个赤裸裸的谎话后脸色阴沉下来。Just then, she heard Mr Evan's bellow of rage.就在那时,她听到埃文先生的一声怒吼。Distantly he heard the report of another gun.他远远地听到了又一声枪响。We could hear the rattle of milk bottles.我们可以听到牛奶瓶的碰击声。His heart sank within him at the news.听到这消息心凉了半截。I heard an interesting snippet on the radio this morning.今天早上我从广播里听到了一则有趣的新闻。When your flight is announced, make your way to the departure lounge.听到播报您的航班通知后,请前往候机室。He could hear the old man snoring.听到老人在打鼾。What we did not expect was to hear the wails of the air raid sirens.我们没想到的是听到了空袭警报的尖啸声。Davey sat as if hypnotized by the sound of Nick's voice.戴维听到尼克的说话声,就如同被施了催眠术一样呆坐在那里。My ears were burning, but I'm glad to say most of what I heard was reasonably complimentary.我耳朵在发烫,但我很高兴我听到的大多是比较公道的赞扬。He heard movement in the hut.听到小屋中有动静。I love to watch people's reactions when I say who I am.我喜欢观察人们在听到我说出我是谁时的反应。Everything I've heard about your work has been highly complimentary.听到别人谈论你的工作时都是对你大加赞扬。I could hear the wind chimes hanging in the window.我可以听到挂在窗口的风铃发出的响声。I heard a voice belting away in the corridor.听到有人在走廊里大声说个不停。




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