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词汇 含义
例句 The word takes on an entirely different meaning in this context.这个词在这儿的上下文中有完全不同的含义Nobody really knows what the marks on the ancient stones signify.没人真正知道那些古代石头上的记号代表什么含义The intention of the clause is clear.那条款的含义是清楚的。The rhythm should fit with the meaning of a poem.韵律应当符合诗歌的含义Something must have gotten lost in translation because the joke isn't funny in English.这个笑话在翻译时肯定缺失了一些含义,因为用英语讲一点也不好笑。The meaning of his gesture was clear.他手势的含义很清楚。The expression has two very different meanings in English.这个词语在英语中有两个完全不同的含义The quote loses something in translation. 这段引文在翻译过程中丢掉了一些含义It won't be easy to tease out the meaning of these statistics.要搞清这些统计数字的含义可不容易。I've been trying to make sense of all these figures and it's doing my head in.我一直试着弄清楚这些数字的含义,结果弄得一头雾水。He learned the speech by heart but missed the sense entirely. 他把这篇演讲背了下来,但完全没有理解其中的含义The meaning of the text has been the subject of considerable/intense/lively debate among scholars for many years.这一文本的含义已经成为学者们多年来广泛/激烈/热烈争论的话题。The clause was stretched beyond its original meaning.此条款超出了其文本原有的含义We need to cut through the political rhetoric and see what really lies behind the policy.我们要透过政治辞令弄清这项政策背后真正的含义Perseverance is required to understand the story and you have to read between the lines to find the book's full meaning.要读懂这个故事需要锲而不舍的精神,而想彻底弄懂此书的含义则需要领会言外之意。He talked me through the implications.他把这些含义向我细细说明。He went behind her words.他推敲她话中的含义The import of his remarks was that we should work harder.他的演讲的含义是我们要更努力。Decoding the paintings is not difficult once you know what the component parts symbolize.一旦明白了画中各部分的象征意义,也就不难搞清楚这幅画的含义了。The meaning is not always derivable from that of the constituent parts.含义并非总是可以从其构成部分的意思中推导出来的。When faced with an unfamiliar word, good readers are able to make guesses based on the meaning and structure of the sentence.善于读书的人遇见不熟悉的单词会根据句子的含义和结构去猜。After several readings, I finally understood the meaning of the poem.读了几遍之后,我终于理解了这首诗的含义The general gave him a look; its meaning was obscure.将军看了他一眼,眼神含义不甚明了。There are some things that you only become totally conscious of in retrospect.有些事情的含义你只有在事后回想时才能完全意识到。I'm not very clear on what this last sentence means.我不太清楚最后这句话的含义The book sets out to elucidate the meaning of the principal symbols in occultism.这本书旨在阐释神秘学体系中主要符号的含义A word's meaning can often be deduced from its context.一个词的含义常常可以从它的上下文中推断出来。There have been a lot of theories about the meaning of dreams.关于梦的含义有许多理论。Historians are trying to decipher the meaning of the documents.历史学家正试图破解这些文献的含义The child couldn't comprehend the text.这孩子不懂该课文的含义People in ancient times assigned a particular significance to the number seven.古人赋予了数字七特殊的含义I got a cryptic text message from Sam.我收到萨姆发来的一条含义隐晦的短信。You will need to show more than just a literal understanding of the text.你需要显示自己对文本的理解没有仅仅停留在字面含义上。The words in parentheses illustrate or gloss the meanings of the foregoing words.圆括号里的词用以说明或解释前面词语的含义Scholars have been debating the meaning of the text for years.学者们对这一文本的含义已争论多年。Do you think that look he gave you had any significance?你觉得他看你的那一眼有什么特殊含义吗?Many legal terms have more than one meaning.很多法律术语有不止一个含义There is a chart that explains the meaning of all the symbols on the map.有张图表解释了地图上所有标记的含义The word can have completely different meanings depending on the context.根据上下文,这个词可以有完全不同的含义Researchers are still debating the import of the test results.研究人员仍在争论这一测试结果的含义




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