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Step back three paces.向后退三步。He was not able to walk without a cane and could only navigate steps backwards.没有手杖他无法走路,只能小心翼翼地向后退。He stepped back to consider the whole painting.他向后退步,仔细端详整幅画作。He shrank back against the wall.他向后退到了墙根。Please move back. You're crowding me.请向后退,你挨我太近了。She took a small step backward.她向后退了一小步。I tried to step back.我试图向后退。He asked us to move back a few yards.他叫我们向后退几码。The robber pointed a gun at the policeman and told him to back away slowly.劫匪用枪对着警察,叫他慢慢向后退。She flinched visibly at the sight of the body.她看到尸体时,明显向后退了一下。She unconsciously moved back a pace or two.她下意识地向后退了一两步。Step back or you'll get hit by the ball.向后退一步,不然球就打到你了。Stepping backwards, Harry trod on the foot of the woman behind him.哈里向后退时,踩着了身后一名女子的脚。Sandy retreated slowly, wary of what the man might do.桑迪慢慢向后退,提防着这个人可能采取的行动。The police asked the crowd to move/step back from the scene of the accident.警方要求人群从事故现场向后退。As he stepped backwards she fell onto her knees, then onto her face.他向后退时,她双膝跪倒在地,接着迎面倒了下去。The crowd fell back when the police arrived.警察到达后,人群就向后退了。 |