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I felt so full after that heavy meal.我吃了那顿大餐之后觉得太饱了。He felt somewhat flatulent after a heavy meal.他吃了一顿油腻的饭菜后觉得肚里有点胀气。Sammy was feeling flush after a win at the races.萨米比赛获胜后觉得很宽裕。The writer's exclamatory style becomes tiresome after a few pages. 看了几页之后觉得作者的这种大呼小叫的写作风格实在让人厌倦。I felt sick and disorientated after the fall.我掉下来后觉得恶心,不知置身何处。The movie was built up so much that we were disappointed when we actually saw it.这部电影被吹捧得太好了,所以我们真正看完以后觉得大失所望。Like most Hollywood movies it was so hyped up that when I saw it I was completely disappointed.和多数好莱坞影片一样,这部电影也被大肆炒作,所以我看后觉得彻底失望。I felt stiff after a long walk.我走长路后觉得全身发僵。 |