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词汇 adviser
例句 You can pay the fee upfront. Alternatively, you could ask the adviser to take commission from any product he recommends.你可以预付费用。或者,你可以要顾问从他推荐的产品中收取佣金。Students can sit down with a careers adviser and discuss what to do next.学生可以坐下来和职业顾问探讨下一步的计划。Talk to an independent financial adviser before you invest your money.把你的钱作投资之前,先找一位独立的理财顾问谈谈。He was ticketed for a job as White House adviser.他被任命为白宫顾问。Campaign adviser Ken Polaski has been saddled with the job of explaining the recent presidential gaffes.竞选顾问肯·波兰斯基有件苦差事,要为总统最近的失言作出解释。Her financial adviser urged caution before investing in the project.她的金融顾问奉劝她投资这个项目要慎重。The film's director hired a real police officer as a technical consultant/adviser.电影导演聘请了一位真正的警察当技术顾问。He served as an adviser to the company.他任公司的顾问。She's an adviser to the President on foreign affairs.她是总统的外交事务顾问。I've never been very money-minded - I leave all my business affairs to my financial adviser.我从来没有经济头脑——我把所有的商业事务都交给我的财务顾问打理。The President needs a strong political adviser at his elbow.总统身边需要一位强有力的政治顾问。Consult an independent legal adviser.向独立的法律顾问进行咨询。The president's former adviser is now one of his most outspoken opponents.总统的前顾问现在成了他最直言不讳的反对者之一。He was their adviser, confidant and father confessor.他是他们的顾问、密友和倾听者。She works as a special adviser to the president.她是总统的特别顾问。Her financial adviser warned her against such a risky investment.她的理财顾问告诫过她不要进行风险那么大的投资。Your adviser's experience is there to be tapped.可以利用你的顾问的经验。The President's adviser has a privileged position of trust.总统顾问深受上司信任。He served as military adviser to the Japanese delegation.他曾担任日本代表团的军事顾问。My faculty adviser made an effort to contact me.导师设法同我取得联系。She acts as an adviser to the president.她担任总统的顾问。The president retained her as his chief adviser.总统让她留任自己的首席顾问。He was asked to act as an adviser on the project.他被请去担任那个项目的顾问。The American adviser expressed America's commitment to Africa's economic development.美国顾问表达了美方对非洲经济发展的承诺。He had an important engagement with his financial adviser.他与他的财务顾问有一个很重要的约谈。I think he's an accountant, financial adviser, or something of that kind.我觉得他是会计师、财务咨询师之类的人。An outside adviser has been brought in to arbitrate the dispute between the management and the union.局外顾问受邀对资方和工会之间的争端进行仲裁。An adviser said there was no reason why the two countries should remain at odds.一位顾问说这两个国家不会一直这样争执下去。If you want further advice, you can call back and speak to the same adviser.如果需要进一步的建议,可以再打电话和同一位顾问谈谈。He is the President's adviser and shadow.他是总统的贴身顾问。Take stock of your financial situation with a professional adviser, if you haven't done so already.如果还没有做的话就和职业顾问一起清点一下你的财务状况。He is stepping down as presidential adviser on economic affairs.他马上要辞去总统经济事务顾问一职。If you are in any doubt, consult a financial adviser.如有任何疑问,请向财务顾问咨询。If you are housebound, you can arrange for a home visit from a specialist adviser.如果你不方便出门,可以安排一次专家顾问来上门看诊。Do you have a financial adviser?你有财务顾问吗?He served as the club's adviser.他担任过该俱乐部的顾问。He resigned from a high-profile job as economic adviser to the president.他辞去了总统经济顾问这一备受关注的职位。The President's political adviser later retracted this statement.总统的政治顾问后来撤回了这项声明。We soon heard of the expulsion of the military adviser.我们很快就听说了军事顾问被开除的消息。The President uses his foreign affairs assistant as a sounding board and adviser for domestic decisions too.总统把他的外交事务助理也当作是国内问题决策的咨询人和顾问。




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