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词汇 后果
例句 This event set off a chain of consequences that eventually led to the man's murder.这个事件引发了一连串后果,最终导致此人遇害。If you do not conform to the law, you must take the consequences.你要是不守法,就必须承担后果There's more fallout than meets the eye in the President's decision.总统的决定所带来的后果远不止表面所见而已。A large number of working days are lost through the aftereffects of alcohol abuse.酗酒造成的后果是损失了大量工作日。The time has come for me to speak out, and damn the consequences.到了我该说出来的时候了,管他有什么后果This condition should be treated otherwise it can lead to blindness or worse.这种病症应该加以治疗,否则可能导致失明或者更糟糕的后果Important consequences flow from this decision.这个决定会产生重大的后果We couldn't have foreseen the consequences of our actions.我们不可能预料到我们行为的后果There are anxieties over the effects of unemployment.对于失业后果有种种担忧。It is fatally easy to pass off our prejudices as our opinions.把偏见充作定见而提出是容易的,但后果不堪设想。The story is a cautionary tale of what can happen when greed takes over.这个故事告诫世人贪婪会造成什么后果If we had been spotted at that point, I don't know what would have happened to us.如果当时我们被发现了,我不知道会有什么后果Many parents try too hard to engineer a safe environment for their child, with disastrous results.许多父母竭力要为自己的孩子营造一个安全的环境,结果却酿成灾难性的后果I shudder to think what would have happened if he hadn't acted as quickly as he did.我不敢相信,如果他没有如此迅速地采取行动,后果会怎样。The vice of his conception is that it overlooks the serious consequences.他的想法的不足之处是忽视了严重的后果You should be careful before you do anything rash. Remember, you'll have to live with yourself afterwards.你应该想清楚,不要草率行事。要记住,一切后果都要自负。Reducing taxation further could have disastrous economic consequences.进一步减税可能会带来灾难性的经济后果This is a tragic yet unavoidable consequence of war.这是战争悲惨而又不可避免的后果Her lawyer said she understood the consequences of her actions and was prepared to go to jail.她的律师说她明白自己行为的后果,已有了入狱的心理准备。He was unmindful of the possible consequences of his decision.他没有意识到自己的决定可能会造成的后果In the aftermath of the trial, charges of corruption have begun to surface.这场审讯的后果就是对腐败的指控已开始出现。I knew the consequences of what I was about to do, but I was willing to pay the price.我知道我要做的事情的后果,但是我愿意为此付出代价。The outcome is not always predictable.后果并非都可以预料。What he liked to do was to take an idea and wrestle it by finding every possible consequence.他喜欢做的事情就是先提出一个想法,然后冥思苦想,找出可能产生的各种后果This was an unanticipated consequence of the Iraq conflict.这是伊拉克冲突一个意想不到的后果He has warned some of his more gung ho generals about the consequences of an invasion.他已警告手下那些好战的将军们入侵带来的后果He broke the law, and now he must face the consequences of his actions.他触犯了法律,现在必须面对自己的行为带来的后果Paul's self-destructive behaviour could lead to something serious one day.保罗的自毁行为总有一天会导致严重的后果He arrived in Natal to see at first hand the effects of the recent heavy fighting.他来到纳塔尔亲自了解最近发生的激烈冲突造成的后果If I thought a thing was right, I should do it, without regard to consequences.如果我认为某一件事是对的,我就会不顾一切后果地去做。We'll take measures to fence off the consequences of a severe earthquake.我们将采取措施消除强烈地震造成的后果Even the smallest mistake could have dire consequences.哪怕是最小的错误也有可能导致可怕的后果The purpose of the training is to open managers' eyes to the consequences of their own behaviour.此次培训的目的是要让管理人员认识到自己的行为所带来的后果It is important to appreciate the wider impact and implications of this proposal.关键是要理解这项提议更广泛的影响和后果The team's findings provide a preview of the likely consequences of the so-called greenhouse effect.这个小组的发现预示了所谓的温室效应可能产生的后果They haven't thought about the practical consequences of the new regulations.他们没有考虑过新法规的实际后果We must be mindful of the consequences of selfishness.我们必须考虑自私自利的后果Political impotence combined with economic despair is an explosive mix.政治上的无能加上经济上的绝望会产生爆炸性后果He believed that the policies were both wrong and electorally disastrous.他认为这些政策是错误的,而且对选举会产生灾难性后果Hospital authorities admitted that a tragic mistake/error had been made.医院管理方承认出现了造成悲惨后果的错误/失误。




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