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词汇 后排
例句 The girls were having a spat in the back of the car over who got to use the armrest.女孩们坐在汽车后排,因为谁用扶手的问题发生了口角。The children sat in the back.孩子们坐在后排There's room for three people in back.后排能坐三个人。The speaker's booming voice easily reached the back of the theatre.演讲者浑厚的声音不费力地传至剧院的后排Two men were sitting in the back of the car.两名男子坐在汽车的后排He held hands with her in the back row of the cinema.他和她手牵手坐在电影院的后排Our seats were towards the back of the theatre.我们的座位靠近剧院的后排Those electing to smoke will be seated at the rear.那些想吸烟的人将坐在后排It's a big theatre so you really have to project your voice if you're going to be heard at the back.这是一个大剧院,所以如果你想让后排的人听见就必须放开你的喉咙。I was sitting in the back row, when Harry sidled up and sat down next to me.我坐在后排,突然哈里悄悄地走过来坐在我身边。The kettle was bubbling away on the back of the range.水壶在后排灶头上汩汩地沸腾着。There were several couples petting at the back of the cinema.有几对男女坐在电影院后排抚摸调情。The car was pinched for rear seat passenger space.这辆汽车后排乘客空间不宽裕。A kid in the back of the room beaned me with an eraser. 后排的一个小孩用一块橡皮砸中了我的头。Tommy's voice came loud and clear from the back row.汤米的声音从后排传来,响亮而清晰。Can you see me in the photo? I'm in the back row on the left.你能在照片里找到我吗?我在后排的左面。There came a piercing cry from the back of the cinema.电影院后排传来刺耳的尖叫声。You were permitted into the hall for the film, provided you sat at the back.若是你们坐后排,就准许你们进入大厅看电影。I see three empty seats in the second/front/back row.我看见第二排/前排/后排有三个空位。There was the sound of giggling from the back row.后排传出咯咯的笑声。Two passengers sat in the back of the car.两名乘客坐在轿车的后排He sat at the back of the class.他坐在教室后排The speaker's voice couldn't reach to the back of the auditorium.演讲人的声音礼堂后排听不见。Try to project your voice so that the people at the back of the room can hear you.尽量放开嗓门,让坐在后排的人能听到。I think there's an empty seat in the back row.我想后排有个空座位吧。Some old granny in the row behind us told us to be quiet.坐在我们后排的一个多事的老东西叫我们保持安静。I was in the middle of the back row.我在后排的中间。His voice reaches to the back of the auditorium.他的声音能传到讲堂的后排The photographer asked the taller people to stand at the back of the group.摄影师让身材较高的人站到人群的后排Kids should always wear seatbelts even in back.小孩子应当始终系好安全带,即使坐在后排位置也要系。Grandpa and grandma sat in the back of the car.爷爷和奶奶坐在汽车后排的座位上。They sat in the back row of the cinema kissing and cuddling.他们坐在影院后排,接吻搂抱。With the front seat folded down, a back-seat passenger can lie almost flat out.前排座椅折起后,后排乘客几乎能平躺了。It might be an idea to detox after the indulgences of Christmas.圣诞节一番放纵之后排排毒或许是个不错的主意。We sat in the back row, sucking mints.我们坐在后排,嘴里吮着薄荷糖。Mira will fit in the back of the car - she's only a little 'un!米拉可以挤进车后排——她只是个小不点儿!




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