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词汇 cans
例句 Please squash all aluminum cans flat before placing them in the bin.请把铝罐都压扁后再放进垃圾箱。A bag lady with a shopping cart was picking through the garbage for aluminum cans.一个手推购物车的女流浪者在垃圾里翻找铝罐。The garbage cans are in back of the house.垃圾桶在房子后面。I work in a factory that turns scrap metal into tin cans.我在一家用废弃金属生产马口铁罐的工厂上班。Beer cans are cylindrical.啤酒罐子是圆筒形的。Paper, plastic, and cans are sorted for recycling.纸张、塑料和罐子分开归类以便回收。Cigarette butts and beer cans were strewn everywhere.到处都是烟头和啤酒罐。The garbage cans clashed as the men unloaded them.工人们卸垃圾时把垃圾桶弄得乒乒乓乓直响。Garbage cans should be belted with orange paint.垃圾箱应漆上桔红色的条纹标记。There was a scatter of empty cans and bottles on the lawn.草坪上散落着空瓶子和空罐子。The floor was littered with empty food cans.地板上乱扔着空食品罐。Watch out for bargains, but never buy dented cans.留意便宜货,但绝不要买表面凹陷的罐头。The living-room floor was littered with filth and tin cans.客厅地上丢满了脏东西和罐头听。There was only one dinky store with a few cans of soup and some other useless junk for sale.只有一家很简陋的商店,卖的是一些汤罐头和其他一些没有用的杂物。Dale hid behind some garbage cans in the alley until the men passed.戴尔躲在巷子里的一些垃圾箱后面,一直到那些人走过去了。Many people were so destitute they lived out of garbage cans.好多人穷得靠吃垃圾箱里的食物过日子。Local kids keep lobbing empty beer cans over our fence.当地的小孩子不停地把空啤酒罐扔过我们的篱笆。We keep the hoses and watering cans in the shed at the end of the garden.我们把软管和洒水壶存放在花园尽头的棚屋里。At a concert in Leeds, some punks gobbed at them and threw beer cans.在利兹举办的一场演唱会上,一些小流氓朝他们吐口水,扔啤酒罐。Bean sprouts are also sold in cans.也有罐装豆芽出售。Andy Warhol's pictures of soup cans are a famous example of pop art.安迪•沃霍尔的汤罐头盒绘画作品是有名的波普艺术作品。Many of the cans were badly dented.许多罐头都出现了严重凹痕。All we've got is a couple of cans of soup.我们只有几听罐头汤。There in front of me was a great pile of old tin cans.我面前是高高的一堆旧罐头盒。This factory cans fish to be sent abroad.这家工厂制作出口鱼罐头。The garbage cans are emptied once a week.垃圾桶一星期倒一次。When nuclear fuel is manufactured it is encased in metal cans.核燃料生产出来后被装在金属罐中。His favourite party trick is balancing tin cans on his head.他在聚会上的拿手把戏是用头顶罐头。These small cans will pack well.这些小罐头装运很方便。Two large cans of paint ought to be enough.两大桶油漆应该够了。He got dead drunk on only two cans of beer.他才喝了两罐啤酒就烂醉如泥了。After the lessons on the environment, children deposited much more litter in trash cans, rather than dropping it.有关环境的课程结束后,孩子们把更多的垃圾放进垃圾箱,而不是扔在地上。Add two cans of tuna.加两罐金枪鱼。We cracked a few cans of beer open and sat down to watch the game.我们开了几罐啤酒,坐下来看比赛。The tourists left a trail of empty cans behind them.游客留下了一路的空罐子。The storekeeper carefully lined up the cans on the shelf.店主小心翼翼地把货架上的瓶瓶罐罐摆放整齐。The yards were full of stinking garbage cans, and untidy lines of washing.院子里满是臭烘烘的垃圾箱,还乱七八糟地晾着一行行衣服。The machine crushes the cans so that they can be stored until they are recycled.那台机器把易拉罐压扁,这样便于存放以待回收利用。They had improvised an alarm, using string and empty cans.他们用绳子和空罐子临时做了一个警报器。Whenever their team scored a goal, they clanked their beer cans together.每当他们的球队进了一个球,他们就欢欣雀跃,把啤酒罐碰得咣当响。




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