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例句 This licence would not allow him to trade as a plc.这个许可证并不能让他以公开股份有限公司的名义从事贸易。The airport was opened by Canadian troops operating under the flag of the United Nations.机场由加拿大军队以联合国的名义开放。The leader refused to allow such violent acts to be done in his name.这位领袖拒绝以他的名义允许如此暴力的行为。In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, Amen.以圣父、圣子和圣灵的名义,阿门。We extended an official greeting to the ambassador.我们以官方名义对大使表示问候。The tenancy is held in joint names.这是以共同名义承租的。This barbarity was committed in the name of the Church.这种野蛮行径是以基督教会的名义犯下的。These laws were passed in the name of national security.这些法律是以国家安全的名义通过的。Europe was flexing its cultural muscles in the name of humanitarianism.欧洲在以人道主义的名义展示自己的文化实力。I swear by Almighty God to tell the truth.我以全能上帝的名义发誓我会说真话。Much blood has been spilled in the name of religion.以宗教的名义流的血已经够多的了。Inflation would be lower and so nominal rates would be rather more attractive in real terms.通胀率会更低,因此名义利率换算成实际利率会更具吸引力。The tickets were booked in the name of McLean.这些票是以麦克莱恩的名义订的。Wilson asked Carly out to dinner, on the pretence that he wanted to talk to her about business.威尔逊假借谈生意的名义,邀请卡莉出去吃晚饭。The airport was opened by Canadian troops operating under the flag of the United Nations.机场由加拿大军队以联合国名义开放。Did he want to sign you in as his wife?他有没有要你以他妻子的名义登记住宿?Muckraking cannot be justified under the banner of press freedom.揭人隐私的行为不能以新闻自由的名义予以辩解。I approached him on behalf of the committee.我以委员会的名义同他联系。Many years later, the temple erected in her name was used to house the Roman mint.多年后,以她的名义建造的寺庙被改造成了罗马铸币厂。I swear by all that's sacred that everything I've said is true.我以神的名义起誓:我说的话句句是真的。Is it worth fighting a big war, in the name of an abstraction like sovereignty?在主权之类抽象概念的名义下打一场大战是否值得呢?Stop in the name of the law!以法律的名义,住手!As President, he affirmed that no tyranny went unnoticed.他以总统的名义宣称没有对任何暴行置若罔闻。It's surprising that he would lend his name to such a venture. 令人吃惊的是,他愿意以个人名义支持这样一个有风险的企业。He wouldn't put it past them to make some grandstand play in the name of world peace.他相信他们是会借世界和平的名义作一些哗众取宠的表演的。They were arrested in the name of the king.以国王的名义将他们逮捕。The guards beat them to pulp in the name of democracy.警卫以民主的名义把他们打得死去活来。He was able to manipulate their slavish willingness to serve in the name of patriotism.他借着爱国的名义利用他们的奴性让他们为他服务。They're tearing down historic buildings in the name of progress!他们正在以发展的名义拆毁历史建筑!In the name of humanity I ask the government to reappraise this important issue.我以人道的名义要求政府重新评估这一重大问题。As members of the union, we have the right to know what action the union is taking in our name.作为协会成员,我们有权知道协会以我们的名义将采取什么行动。He attended the party in the name of his father.他以他父亲的名义参加聚会。They gave money to the Conservative Party either personally or through their companies.他们要么以个人名义要么通过他们的公司捐钱给了保守党。




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