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例句 Just as I can't swim, so neither can my son.我不会游泳,我的儿子同样也不会。It is a great pity that all pupils in the city cannot have the same chances.非常遗憾的是,在这个城市里,并非所有的学生都能获得同样的机会。This could have equally disastrous consequences.这会导致同样灾难性的后果。Some people find that the same dream keeps recurring over a period of many years.有些人发现自己在许多年里会反复做同样的梦。Rural children deserve as good an education as their city cousins.乡村儿童与城市儿童应受同样良好的教育。I kept asking her the same question, but I was getting nowhere fast.我一直问她同样的问题,但是一无所获。Matalan's results were similarly impressive.马特兰的成绩也同样了不起。People should wake up to the fact that people with disabilities have got a vote as well.人们应该认识到残疾人同样也享有投票权。Sometimes it is necessary to trim those very policies in order to stay in office.有时为了继续掌权需要对同样的政策进行修改。It'll just be the same thing all over again.这不过是同样的事又重来一遍。Scientists have failed to replicate the results of his experiment.科学家们没能得出与他同样的实验结果。Two students were penalized very differently for the same offence.两名学生犯了同样的过错,受到的处罚却很不相同。He was equally unhappy with the alternative.他对另一个选择同样不满意。Also up for discussion will be the conduct of free and fair elections.同样提出来讨论的还有如何进行自由公正的选举。Trade and product discounts can also mean big savings.商品促销与产品折扣同样意味着可能会省下一大笔钱。All women are not equally subordinated or oppressed or exploited by men.并不是所有女性都同样受到男性征服、压迫或剥削。It is difficult to assess whether this type of skin problem would be equally responsive to treatment.很难断定这类皮肤病是否同样也对治疗很敏感。Children need same-gender role models.小孩需要与自己同样性别的模范角色。I myself have experienced the same thing.我自己也经历过同样的事情。Both options are equally impossible.两种选择同样都是不可能的。Certain words that galvanized him in his youth no longer have the same effect.青年时代使他激动的言辞现在不再产生同样的效果了。They always come up with the same old excuses for why they can't deliver on time.他们总是用同样的老借口来搪塞为何无法准时把货送到。Others in her profession are in the same boat.和她干同一行的人也处于同样的困境。His expression is as earnest when he smiles as when he is arguing.他不论笑的时候还是争论的时候表情都同样真诚。He bores us all to tears by telling the same stories over and over again.他把同样的故事讲了一遍又一遍,我们都快被他烦死了。Most women apply the same old make-up year after year through force of habit.大多数女性年复一年都使用同样的化妆品,这是习惯使然。The same exam questions cropped up with unfailing regularity.同样的试题以一成不变的规律性一再出现。The same sense of alarm is manifest everywhere.同样的恐慌感随处可见。He does keep making the same points ad nauseam.他一而再再而三地表达同样的观点,令人生厌。Childhood illness can be upsetting for children and parents alike.儿科病会让孩子和父母同样苦恼。The commitment to local products is equally evident on the restaurant's wine list.餐厅的酒水单表明,该餐厅同样主推本地产品。He knew his fellow teachers in Cincinnati shared his frustrations.他知道辛辛那提的教师同行们也有同样的不满。Others are feeling just the way we ourselves would feel in the same situation.别人此时的感受和我们自己在同样的情形下时没什么两样。He said he wanted American art to be enjoyed at the grass-roots level, just as it is by the top-hat crowd.他说他希望美国艺术不仅为高层观众所喜爱,而且同样为普罗大众所欣赏。The dash may also be used in the same manner as the colon to announce a dramatic point.冒号用于引出重要的观点,破折号也可发挥同样的作用。He is ever making the same mistake.他老是犯同样的错误。The director is equally gushing in his praise of the actor.导演对男演员同样进行了赞不绝口的夸奖。If we had a player with as much flair and presence, we'd be cheering.如果我们也有一位具备同样素质和风度的运动员,我们将感到高兴。The same problem has occurred before on numerous occasions.同样的问题以前发生过无数次了。The terrorists declared all-out war on the government and the government responded in kind.恐怖分子宣布对政府发动全面战争,政府也作出同样回应。




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