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例句 Three runners crossed the line together.三名赛跑选手同时冲过终点线。It's difficult to be part of a highly organized group such as the armed forces without losing some of your individuality.要使自己融入到军队等组织性极强的团体中去,同时又不失去自己的一些个性是很难的。No liquids are served with meals because they interfere with digestion.上饭菜时不要同时上汤水或饮品,因为这会影响消化。She sat in the car and revved the engine while she waited for us.她坐在车里并在等待我们的同时调高了发动机转速。Tourism is double-edged, boosting the economy but damaging the environment.旅游具有双重效应,带动经济的同时也会破坏环境。He cut taxes while boosting spending.他在增加支出的同时削减税率。They tried to ensure they weren't both working at the same time, so that one or other of them would be there to look after the boys.他们想办法确保两人不同时上班,这样他们中总有一个能在那儿照顾这些男孩。They are looking to cut costs while simultaneously maintaining the existing levels of service.他们考虑要在保持现有服务水平的同时降低成本。Teachers have to bring on the bright children and at the same time give extra help to those who need it.教师必须在培养聪明孩子的同时,给予需要帮助的学生更多的关注。The device has the capability of recording two television channels at once.这台设备可以同时记录两个电视频道的节目。She's studying part-time while she looks after her young family.她在照顾自己年幼孩子的同时还用部分时间学习。It will only complicate the situation if we invite his old girlfriend as well.如果我们同时也邀请他以前的女友,只会使事情更加复杂。Differences may arise when the young people do not have the same expectations as their parents.年轻人的期望与父母不同时就会出现分歧。Slow music encourages supermarket-shoppers to browse longer but spend more.舒缓的音乐会促使超市购物者花更长的时间浏览商品的同时花更多的钱。I have many other irons in the fire.同时还有另外几件事要办。He examined her thoroughly, talking softly all the while.他给她作了彻底的检查,同时始终柔声细语地跟她交谈。She was the founder of the company and its guiding spirit.她是公司的奠基人,同时也是公司的领路者。They topped both the US singles and album charts at the same time.他们同时荣登美国单曲榜和专辑榜榜首。The party includes both extremely conservative and moderate members.这个政党内同时有极端保守派和温和派成员。He works in the hotel bar, but he runs a tour company on the side.他在饭店的酒吧工作,但他还同时兼营着一家旅游公司。In simultaneous announcements, the two men resigned from their jobs.这两个男子同时声明辞职了。Flowering trees provide shade as well as visual delight.开花树木在提供树荫的同时还给人带来视觉上的愉悦。Eye problems can indicate an unhealthy lifestyle with subsequent suppression of the immune system.患眼疾可能表明生活方式不健康,而且免疫系统同时受到抑制。They ambivalently condemn both the disorders and the jury verdict that touched off the disorders.他们既对骚乱予以谴责,同时又指责陪审团的裁决引发了骚乱,立场很不明确。They rose as one and cheered her.他们同时起立向她欢呼致意。Security was tightened amid fears of another terrorist attack.在人们担心会再次发生恐怖袭击的同时,安全措施加强了。She always managed to have at least two boyfriends and used to play them off against each other.她总是设法同时与至少两个男友交往,并挑拨他们相互争斗。Meanwhile, heat the tomatoes and oil in a pan.同时,在平底锅里将西红柿和油加热。Becky's not ready to settle down with one man - she enjoys playing the field too much.贝姬不愿意专情于某一个男人——她太喜欢同时和几个人谈情说爱了。Debtor countries cannot develop to their full potential while continuing to pay off such massive foreign debts.债务国在不断偿还巨额外债的同时,不可能充分发挥潜力发展经济。They grabbed each other's hands in simultaneous panic.他们俩同时惊慌起来,相互抓住对方的手。The deck can videotape something off one channel while you're watching another channel.走带机构可以在你收看一个频道的同时录下另一频道的节目。He also promises to restore trust in government.同时也承诺重建政府的信任。So Emma actually manages to juggle two small children and a full-time job, does she? Well, I take my hat off to her.这么说埃玛在照顾好两个小孩子的同时还做着一份全职工作,是吗?我可真佩服她。The chicken was served with a side order of potato salad.鸡肉是与另点的土豆色拉同时上桌的。The income drawdown plan allows you to keep your fund invested in the stock market after retirement while you draw an annual income from it.收入支取计划让你退休以后能够保留股票市场投资,同时每年支取一次收益。She says the treatment is safe, and then in the same breath says that patients should be warned about possible side-effects.她说这种治疗是安全的,但同时又说应该警告病人可能出现的副作用。Malcolm's contract will run in tandem with his existing one.马尔科姆的合同将与他手头的合同同时生效。He was a scholar and thinker but was also a man of action.他是学者、思想家,同时也是实干家。The yearbook also noted a sharp drop in reported cases of sexually transmitted disease.年鉴同时指出,性传播疾病报告病例数显著下降。




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