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例句 The goldfinch is a congener of the canary.金翅雀是金丝雀的同属We are in the same camp. 我们同属一个阵营。These are letters from self-identifying members of his party.这些是与他同属一党而且自己认为思想上与他完全一致的党员们寄来的信件。Dogs, wolves, and coyotes belong to the same genus.狗、狼和土狼是同属Women of his own middle class found him overwhelmingly attractive.同属中产阶级的女性觉得他的魅力令人难以抗拒。We were part of a long line of artists.我们同属一脉相承的艺术家。English and Sanskrit are Indo-European dialects.英语和梵语是同属印欧语系的同源语。The camaraderie that came with membership of a fighter squadron appears to have provided a degree of spiritual sustenance.同属一个飞行中队产生的战友情似乎在一定程度上成了精神支柱。The people of this country are homogeneous.这个国家的人同属一个种族。The cat and the lion are related species.猫和狮子同属一科。




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