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词汇 同学
例句 All of the students signed the petition in a show of unity/solidarity with their classmate.所有学生都在请愿书上签了名,体现出同学间的团结。There were many talented students in the class, but she was clearly the star. 班级中有很多同学天资聪慧,但她明显是最优秀的。He corralled his fellow freshmen for a meeting.他召集他的一年级新同学开了个会。She struggles to keep pace with her classmates.她努力跟上同学的步伐。After the song was over, Miss Timms beamed at the class.唱完歌后,蒂姆斯小姐对着班里的同学微笑。We sympathized with our classmate whose mother was very ill.我们十分同情那位母亲得了重病的同学My class are all going – why can't I?我们班同学都去,我为什么不能?She thinks her classmates are just a bunch of pseudo-intellectuals.她认为班里同学只是一帮徒有知识分子虚名的家伙。When I first arrived here none of the other students would talk to me.我初来乍到,没有一个同学愿意和我说话。Grants are available to students who have high grades.成绩优秀的同学可获奖学金。He finds himself pitted in single combat with Ferdia, his fellow-student in the martial arts.他发现自己要和练武术的同学费尔迪亚一对一较量。He outshone his fellow pupils in every skill.他在各种技能上都比他的同学更出色。It's your turn to recite, Mr. Alan.轮到你背书了,艾伦同学Don't take a superior attitude toward the younger students.不要对比自己年轻的同学采取傲慢的态度。Her new classmates knew no Latin.她的新同学不会拉丁语。She introduced me to some of her fellow students.她把我介绍给了她的几位同学He attended the concert with a fellow student. 他和一个同学一起参加了音乐会。Her parents felt put out when she brought some classmates to stay over.她带一些同学回家过夜,她父母觉得不方便。In a remarkable display of generosity, the students gave the money they had raised for the class trip to their sick classmate.学生们把筹集的班级出游款赠给了患病的同学,表现出不同寻常的慷慨。She was raped by a fellow student.她被一个同学强奸了。The schoolchildren made a fool of their new schoolfellow.那些学生们作弄新同学They are my fellows at school.他们是我的同学After he got well Bob made a fierce effort to catch up with his classmates.鲍伯痊愈后拼命用功,以期赶上班里的同学I always try to involve the whole class.我总是努力使班上每位同学都参与其中。The taunts of her schoolmates caused her intense mental suffering.同学的嘲笑使她精神上极度痛苦。He exerts an extremely strong influence on his classmates.他对班里的同学有着极大的影响。Fellow students expressed shock and dismay over the racist incidents.同学对这一种族主义事件表示出震惊和不安。The class split into two. Half of us went to the museum and half to the cathedral.班上同学分成两组:一组去了博物馆,一组去了教堂。He's a good artist, which puts him one up on most of his classmates.他是个好的艺术家,在艺术方面胜过大多数同学Any student who wishes to go on the trip should sign this list.凡想去旅行的同学请在这名单上写上自己的名字。The tutor finally broke in on Sam's monologue, much to the relief of the rest of the class.导师终于打断了萨姆滔滔不绝的讲话,让班里其他的同学感到如释重负。He was accused of attacking a fellow student.他被控袭击一名同学His classmates remember him as the class clown. 他的同学都记得他是班上的活宝。I scolded the child for spitting at another student.我斥责了那个孩子,因为他朝另一个同学吐口水。None of his schoolmates came to his defence.没有一个同学站出来维护他。His classmates needled him about his new haircut.他的同学嘲弄他的新发型。How are you getting along with your classmates?你和班上同学相处得如何? She excels the rest of the class in English.她的英文在班上胜过任何同学Students with an interest in microelectronic circuitry are advised to apply for the Engineering Electronics degree.建议对微电子电路设计感兴趣的同学申请工程电子学学位。In high school she felt somehow different and alienated from other students.中学的时候,她总觉得自己与别人不同,和别的同学格格不入。




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