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例句 He and his crew used to hang out at the bowling alley.他和他的那伙同伴们过去常在这个保龄球场厮混。She looks small by the side of her companion.与她同伴一比,她就显得瘦小。For teenagers, it's important to speak and dress like their friends. They really don't want to be different.对青少年而言,言谈和衣着与同伴相似是很重要的。他们不愿与众不同。He gazed reflectively at his companion.他盯着自己的同伴,若有所思。An injured policeman was led away by colleagues.受伤的警察被同伴带走了。No blabbing to your mates!.不要告诉你的同伴Both men were unwelcoming, making little attempt to put Kathryn or her companions at their ease.两个男人都不是很热情,没有试着让凯瑟琳和她的同伴们放松下来。For safety, always climb with a partner.为安全起见,登山一定要有同伴One of the men with him gave up his place on the bench.他的一个同伴将长椅上的位子让了出来。I found him to be splendid company during the hour of our acquaintance.在我们相处的那段时间里我发现他是个很好的同伴His partner covered him while he ran across the prison yard.他跑过监狱院子的时候,他的同伴替他掩护。It's your make while your partner deals.同伴发牌时该你洗牌。She has threatened to go on a hunger strike if her colleagues are not released from prison.她扬言,如果不把她的同伴从监狱里放出来,就绝食抗议。My companion waited for me at the end of the street.我的同伴在街道尽头等我。I went down the pub with my mates.我和同伴去了酒吧。He's eager to rejoin his fellows.他渴望重新与他的同伴们待在一起。My boyfriend is looking forward to going on the loose with his mates when they go to London to see the Cup Final.我男友期望着到伦敦去看世界杯时,与他的同伴们纵情游乐。The police officer's partner always watches his back.那名警官的同伴总在保护他。I could not but be gay in such a jocund company.我和如此快乐的同伴在一起岂能不乐。I know her but not her companion.我认识她,但不认识她的同伴Mingling genuine news with gossip, she made a lively companion.她的言谈结合了真实新闻与流言蜚语,是个充满活力的同伴When he tried to make a bolt for it, my companion dashed over pointing his pistol at him.他想逃之夭夭时,我的同伴冲了过去,把枪对住他。The other players on the team don't like him because he's such a hot dog.因为他很爱卖弄,所以队里同伴都不喜欢他。You get home from a drunken night out with your mates.你和同伴在外面喝了一夜酒后回到家。The police officer was covered by her colleagues while she ran towards the gunman's hideout.警察在她同伴的掩护下奔向持枪歹徒藏身之处。We should do more to help our fellow human beings.我们应该做更多事来帮助我们的同伴The assistant carried on talking to his mate, name-dropping all the famous riders he knew.那个助手继续对他的同伴讲个不停,搬出他认识的所有知名自行车赛手。He could evince no response from his taciturn companion.他未能引起那沉默寡言的同伴的反响。My mate dived headfirst through a window and I ran down the hallway.我的同伴从窗口一头扎了下去,而我则沿着走廊跑。They threw all the blame on the faithlessness of their partners.他们把所有过错都怪罪于他们同伴的不可信赖。He stopped in answer to a telegraphic glance from his companion.他见到同伴递来一个眼色便停住了。Taking his cue from his companion, he apologized for his earlier display of temper.他也学同伴那样,为先前发脾气的事道歉。The boy fell behind his compeers in the race.在比赛中,这小男孩落到了他同伴的后面。She shot a warning glare at her companion.她用眼神警告她的同伴They offered me money if I would betray my associates.他们提出只要我供出同伴就会给我钱。His jokes caused great mirth among his companions.他说的笑话引得同伴们哈哈大笑。My companion suggested that we park out of sight of passing traffic to avoid attracting attention.我的同伴建议我们将车停在过往车辆看不见的地方,以免引起注意。He winked an eye at his companion.他朝同伴使了一下眼色。He received brotherly support from his fellow priests.他从牧师同伴那里得到了兄弟般的支持。I had already guessed the identity of her companion.我早已猜出她同伴的身份了。




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