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例句 She and her cousin go to the same school. 她和表妹在同一所学校上学。They padded the same path every day.他们每天走这同一条路。We've seen other examples of this same problem recently.最近我们见过同一问题的另外一些例子。My friend and I went to the same school.我和我的朋友以前在同一所学校上学。There may be striking variations within a species.同一物种中可能出现惊人的变异。These two articles were written along the same lines.这两篇文章是按同一思路写的。They had to struggle against all kinds of adversity.他们不得不同一切困境做斗争。We hope to have sales and service under one roof in the near future.希望在不久的将来我们在同一地点享受到销售与售后服务。I take the same route to work every day, like some sort of automaton.我每天按同一路线去上班,就像个机器人一样。The two women competed for the affections of the same man.两个女人在为同一男子争宠。The wing conforms to the same aerodynamic principle.这种机翼符合同一空气动力学原理。They serve the same basic dish in various guises. 他们将同一种菜做成不同样端上桌来。A lot of the people there are descended from a common ancestor.那里的很多人都是同一祖先的后代。The good thing about the class is that all the students belong to the same age group.这个班的好处在于所有的学生都属于同一年龄组。I refuse to live under the same roof as that man.我拒绝和那个男人住在同一屋檐下。They live in the same neighbourhood.他们住在同一地段。They went to different universities and their relationship just fizzled out.由于他们上的不是同一所大学,两人的关系便逐渐结束了。I am always interested in how differently people can look at the same event.人们看待同一事件的角度会大不相同,对此我一直很感兴趣。Both products are targeting the same market.两种产品都瞄准同一市场。Somalia is an ethnically and linguistically homogeneous nation.无论是从种族上讲,还是从语言上讲,索马里都是由同一种族组成的国家。The species coexist in the same environment.这些物种在同一环境中共存。The Polish and Russian languages are cousins.波兰语和俄语属同一语系。We're good friends but we could never live under the same roof.我们是好朋友,但是我们永远无法生活在同一屋檐下。Keep the head of the club the same height throughout the swing.整个挥杆过程中要使杆头始终保持在同一高度。The head groom is responsible for seeing that Milton and his stablemates have safe journeys.马夫长负责确保密尔顿及其他来自同一养马场的赛马都安全到达。Their teacher suspected them of cheating when they both missed the same question on the test.他们俩都没做试卷上的同一道题目,老师怀疑他们作弊。We stand together on this issue.我们对这个问题持同一态度。An officer stood at a short remove upon the same platform.一名警官站在同一月台上不远处。The information you need is on the same page.你需要的信息在同一网页上。Shakespeare has accustomed us to a mixture of humour and tragedy in the same play.莎士比亚让我们习见于在同一部戏中幽默与悲哀交织杂陈。Some animals appear to have nothing in common, though they are on the same clade.某些动物长得完全不同,虽然属于同一进化枝。You're just rehashing the same argument all over again.你只是对同一论据稍做改动,又重新拿了出来。Both countries claimed the same area, precipitating a border war.两国都声称拥有同一地区的主权,于是爆发了一场边界战争。She travels on the same train as you.她和你乘坐同一班火车。The author constructs all the stories around one theme.这位作家的所有故事都围绕同一主题构思。The big television networks have their homes in the same city.那家大型电视广播公司在同一城市里有多处基地。Not coincidentally, they were both graduates of the same college.他俩是同一所大学的毕业生,这并非巧合。All the bees in the colony are genetically related.同一群体的蜜蜂都有亲缘关系。They socialize together and worship in the same mosque.他们一同参加社交活动,并且在同一清真寺做礼拜。The inhabitants of a village held land in common.同一村庄的居民共同拥有土地。




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