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We should be able to get them to cooperate without using compulsion.我们应该可以不使用强制手段就让他们合作。Cooperation could be mutually profitable.合作可能对双方都有益。They wanted me to cooperate with them, but I refused to play along. 他们要我与他们合作,但我拒绝接受。The police were acting hand in glove with the army to keep order in the country.警察与军队合作,共同维持国家秩序。They teamed up to write a novel.他们合作写一部小说。The U.S. airline has just announced a formal link-up with British Airways.美国航空公司刚刚宣布了其与英国航空公司的正式合作。The two scientists stopped working together because their theories did not conform.这两位科学家不再合作,因为他们的理论不统一。The two companies cooperate in meter reading, billing and collection of accounts.这两家公司在抄表、开账单和收账方面进行合作。We look forward to strengthening still further our already close co-operation with the police service.我们期盼着进一步加强和警方的合作,形成更加紧密的合作关系。Both parties should work constructively together to address the difficulties.双方应该进行建设性合作,共同解决难题。The project is designed to foster collaboration between the university and industry.该课题旨在促成大学与业界之间的合作。It would be better if he cooperated, but perhaps I'm asking too much.要是他合作就好了,不过,也许我要求过分了。I wouldn't do things together with her sort for love or money.无论怎么样我也不能和她那号人合作。Their business partnership turned out to be a colossal failure.他们的商业合作最后证明是一个巨大的失败。The school fosters an atmosphere of competition rather than cooperation. 这所学校营造的是互相竞争而不是合作的氛围。There is the strong possibility that such cooperation will prove unworkable.这种合作很有可能行不通。I don't mean to be nasty, but I don't think we should work together any more.我没有恶意,但是我觉得我们不应该再合作了。In cooperation with other professionals, social workers will appraise the individual's needs.社会工作者将与其他专业人士携手合作,对个体的需要作出评估。The cooperation between the two countries is in keeping with the thrust of history.两国之间的合作符合历史发展的趋势。Co-operation was more than just an attractive option, it was an obligation.合作不仅仅是诱人的选择,它也是一种责任。The school is a shining example of what parent-teacher cooperation can achieve.该校是父母和老师合作成果的典范。He pleaded the case for continued cooperation with the Russians.他极力为继续与俄国人合作的事辩护。Jean is cooperative and helpful in the classroom.琼在班上富于合作精神,并乐于助人。Professional and local jealousies are preventing councils from exploiting the benefits of collaboration.行业和地方给予的保护将阻止地方议会攫取合作带来的利益。He and his partner make/form quite a tandem. 他和搭档合作得非常好。We work well together and we are really good friends. I know it sounds clichéd but it's the truth.我们共事合作得很好,我们是很好的朋友。我知道这听起来老掉牙了,但那是事实。Social scientists were co-opted to work with the development agencies.社会科学家被拉拢和开发机构合作。You were quite within your rights to refuse to co-operate with him.你完全有权拒绝跟他合作。You'll get it done faster if you two team up.如果你们俩合作的话会完成得更快。They seemed able to work together very efficiently.他们似乎能够非常高效地合作。I wonder if you would consider going in with me as a partner?我不知道你是否愿意考虑作为合伙人和我合作?The prime minister's visit further promoted the cooperation between the two countries.总理的访问进一步促进了两国间的合作。He didn't want to team up with anybody.他不想与任何人合作。There has to be a degree of co-operation between IT and human-resources departments.信息技术部和人力资源部之间要有一定程度的合作。This project is one of the first fruits of commercial co-operation between the two countries.这个项目是两国之间商务合作的最初成果。The president said that Mexico would continue to cooperate with the US in the fight against drugs.总统称墨西哥将会继续与美国合作,打击毒品。The government is urging Japan's firms to collaborate with foreigners.政府正在督促日本的公司进行更多的海外合作。His musical résumé includes performances at Carnegie Hall, a stint with the New York Philharmonic, and two Grammys.他的音乐成就包括在卡内基音乐厅演出、与纽约爱乐乐团的短期合作,以及两次获得格莱美奖。Karen Matthews co-authored the study with Lewis Kullers.卡伦·马修斯与刘易斯·库勒斯合作完成了这个研究课题。The only weapon the court has to enforce cooperation is the threat of sanctions.法院强制他人合作的惟一手段就是处罚。 |