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词汇 合乎
例句 Many people have very strong opinions about the rightness or wrongness of abortion.很多人都对堕胎是否合乎道义有强烈的意见。To be relaxed and cool is to be with-it.举止潇洒,态度清高,这才算合乎时尚。God will conform us to Christ in character and conduct.主会使我们的品格和行为合乎基督。I thought it was unethical for doctors to operate on their wives.我原以为医生给自己的妻子动手术是不合乎职业道德的。He is eligible for retirement.合乎退休条件。She accused the teacher of not acting in a professional manner.她指责老师的行为不合乎职业规范。The president was absolutely right in ordering the bombing raid.总统下令发动空袭是绝对合乎道义的。It may be common sense, but it is not law.这可能合乎常理,但并不合乎现行法律。It had all seemed so simple when they'd talked it through, so logical.等他们把问题说清楚了才发现原来一切如此简单、如此合乎常理。Paul visited the local bars more frequently than was decent for a senior lecturer.保罗过于频繁地光顾当地酒吧,不太合乎高级讲师的身份。You can get advice from many sources, but it all boils down to common sense. 你可以吸取多方意见,但所有意见都要合乎常理。Coincident interests with the corporate rich and political directorate are pointed out.有人指出这合乎的是公司富豪和政治官员的利益。I think this is in order, since the agenda permits us to make suggestions.我觉得这样做合乎规程,因为议事日程允许我们提出建议。You said you wished to bring my story up to date. What's so antediluvian about it?你说你希望把我的这篇故事修改得合乎当前的时势,请问我的故事有什么严重过时的内容?The sentence is grammatically correct, but not very idiomatic.这句话语法上正确,但不太合乎语言习惯。His ways are not after our expectations.他的行径不合乎我们的期望。It is logical to take precautions.采取防范措施是合乎常理的。When they cheat at cards, I'm not at all surprised; they're just acting true to type.他们打牌作弊的话,我一点也不会感到意外,因为这种行为合乎他们的本性。I thought it was unethical for doctors to operate upon their wives.我认为医生为自己妻子做手术不合乎职业道德。I don't trust air travel - it's unnatural.我信不过航空旅行——它不合乎自然规律。




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