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Don't assume your baby automatically needs feeding if she's fretful.不要想当然地认为你的宝宝一闹就是要吃奶。In the end she used brute force to push him out.最后她使出吃奶的力气将他推了出去。We were paddling our canoe and putting all the beef we could behind it.我们拼命划着独木舟,把吃奶的力气都使出来了。Most authorities recommend letting the baby nurse whenever it wants.大部分权威人士建议婴儿想吃奶就随时吃。When a baby is thirsty, it feeds more often.婴儿口渴时吃奶会更多。The baby is nursing at its mother's breast.小婴孩在母亲怀中吃奶。The puppies went back to their mother to suckle.小狗跑回到狗妈妈身边去吃奶。You would expect babies to know how to breast-feed by instinct.你本以为婴儿会本能地知道如何吃奶。 |