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词汇 可真是
例句 God, isn't she some kind of a singer?天哪,她可真是个挺不错的歌手,是吧?You're such a card, Patrick!帕特里克,你可真是个活宝!Boy, did this woman know how to put a dampener on your day.啊呀,这女人可真是会让人扫兴。Billy is on the side of the angels when it comes to racial tolerance.说起种族间的包容,比利可真是宅心仁厚。Look, you're really trying my patience now; please stop making that noise!听着,你可真是在考验我的耐性;请不要发出那样的噪音了。Annie's such a dear - she's brought me breakfast in bed every morning this week.安妮可真是个大好人——这周她每天早上都把早饭送到我的床边。How very convenient that Gayle was away precisely on the day we needed her.盖尔恰巧在我们需要她的那天不在,可真是时候!If you buy a used car without testing it, you're buying a pig in a poke.买二手车不检查一下的话,可真是瞎买一通。This was a thunderbolt out of a clear sky.可真是晴天霹雳。Oh, Becky's a real poppet - such a sweet girl.哦,贝姬可真是个乖宝宝——这么可爱的女孩子。Anna's such a dark horse - I had no idea she'd published a novel.安娜可真是深藏不露——我一点儿都不知道她已经出版了一本小说。That's nothing short of a jack-in-the-box surprise.那件事可真是大大出乎意料。Doing taxes can be a real chore.做税务工作可真是一件苦差事。It was a bad time to have a senior moment.老年糊涂可真是糟糕。He'll be sadly missed. He was a real character.人们会非常怀念他的,他可真是个有趣的人啊。Once old Mulrooney got started there was no stopping him - that man could talk the hind leg off a donkey.老马尔鲁尼一打开话匣子就停不下来,他可真是话多啊。I was just content to see my daughter in such a stable relationship but a grandchild, that really was the icing on the cake.看到女儿与女婿的关系很稳定我已感到满足,后来又添了外孙,这可真是锦上添花。Meeting you here in Rome is a remarkable coincidence.能在罗马这地方遇到你可真是惊人的巧合。He was a lucky man to have found such a partner.能找到这么好的伴侣,他可真是个幸运的家伙。He didn't need to tell her that - he's just a shit stirrer.他不必告诉她的——他可真是爱搅和。Well, that's a turn-up for the books - I never thought he'd get the job.可真是个意外——我根本没想到他会得到这份工作。I'd never seen Jose in a tuxedo before - it was quite a transformation.我之前从没见过何塞穿燕尾服——这可真是个天大的变化。Some of the questions on the test were real stumpers.测验中的有些问题可真是难题。There's not a damn thing you can do about it.这件事可真是无能为力。She went out in the rain without an umbrella? I call that pretty foolish.她下雨天外出不打伞?我看这可真是太傻了。This is one classy dame you've got yourself here, Rich.里奇,你找的这个女人可真是有品位啊。He is really living up to his reputation of being a fool.他这会儿的作为可真是不负傻瓜的盛名了。Getting the job finished on time was no mean achievement.按时完成这项工作可真是不简单。It was big of him to help out like that.他那样帮忙可真是太好心了。She's such a stickler for cleanliness.可真是个有洁癖的人。This really isn't the right time of the year to start working on the house.一年里的这个时候装修房子可真是不合适。Is this turkey your idea of a good show? You can really pick'em.挑这种准演砸的戏充当好节目吗? 你可真是别具慧眼。You're a beauty, aren't you, staying out until this time of night?可真是个好小子,在外头呆到晚上这时候才回来!You can be absolutely impossible at times!你有时候可真是叫人受不了!It's been a tough six months and I feel I've earned a few weeks off.这半年可真是够辛苦的,我觉得我也该休息几周了。He's sailing near the wind, with those large contracts that he makes.他签了那些大合同,可真是冒着大风险啊。He picked a fine time to leave us.在那个时候扔下我们走了,他可真是会挑时间。Thanks so much for offering to help. You're a real lifesaver!非常感谢你的帮助。你可真是帮了大忙了!What a crazy thing to do!那样做可真是疯狂!I read the whole book, but talk about boring!我看完了整本书,可真是无聊透顶!




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