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例句 The shadowy forms of several people were visible through the smoke.透过烟雾可看到几个模糊的人影。Our hotel room had a beautiful view of the ocean.在我们宾馆的房间可看到美丽的海景。In remote wildernesses of space groups of nebulae are found.在遥远寂寥的天际,可看到一团团星云。The lava could be seen spouting out of the volcano from far away.从远处可看到熔岩从火山喷发出来。The large window permitted a panoramic view of the park.从这扇大窗望出去可看到公园全景。The actors not performing sit at the side of the stage in full view, waiting for their cues.未表演的男演员们坐在舞台边可看到全场的位置,等待着上场的提示。Lottery cards have silver panels which you scratch off to see if you have won a prize.彩票上有银色方格,刮去后可看到是否中奖。We had a commanding view of the valley.我们居高临下可看到山谷里的一切。His office looked out on the other skyscrapers of downtown Dallas.从他的办公室向外望可看到达拉斯市中心的其他摩天大楼。




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