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词汇 canal
例句 A tourist jumped into the canal to fish the boy out.一位游客跳进运河去救那个男孩。Factories stretch for quite a way along the canal.工厂沿运河延伸了很长一段距离。Army engineers were called in to construct the canal.工兵们奉命去修建运河。A ship was denied entry to the canal.一艘船未获准进入运河。They have to dredge the canal regularly to keep it open.为了保持运河的畅通他们必须定期进行清淤作业。The Lewis family operated a number of boats on the canal.刘易斯一家在运河上经营着几艘船。The ancient canal is now little more than a muddy ditch.这条古运河现在仅仅是一条烂泥沟。The ship locked into the canal.船过闸驶入运河。These gates regulate the amount of water flowing into the canal.这些闸门调节流入运河的水量。Ships use the canal to transit to the west.船只利用这条运河前往西方。The boat was nearly as wide as the canal.那小船差不多和水道一样宽。The rough rock walls were like the sides of a deep canal.凸凹不平的石墙就像一条很深的运河的河岸。Walk along the canal as far as the bridge.沿着运河走到有桥的地方。The barge moved slowly along the canal.驳船沿着运河缓缓航行。We were bunking off one day, and playing down by the canal.有一天我们逃学,在运河边玩耍。The river runs alongside the canal.这条河与运河比邻。Once past the dockland, the canal swings left.一过港区陆地,运河就转向左流。The country had no choice but to cede control of the canal.这个国家别无选择只好放弃对运河的控制权。They strolled down to the canal.他们漫步走到了运河边。Barges plied back and forth along the canal.驳船沿着运河定期往返。Men punted laden boats down a peaceful canal.人们沿着平静的运河用篙撑着满载货物的平底船。We hired a canal boat in France.在法国我们雇了一条运河船。Only flat-bottomed boats can safely navigate the canal.只有平底船能够安全地在这条运河上航行。Food is digested and absorbed as it passes through the alimentary canal.食物在通过消化道时被消化吸收。They are dredging up silt from the canal bottom.他们正在疏浚运河底部的淤泥。The canal is bordered by poplar trees.运河的两边是杨树。The canal is still being availed of.这条运河仍在被利用着。A permit is required for fishing in the canal.在运河中钓鱼要有许可证。The canal project gave rise to a malaria epidemic in the region.运河工程使该地区疟疾流行。The canal is now disused and partly filled in.运河现在废弃不用了,部分淤塞。The railway is parallel with the canal.那条铁路和运河平行。A thick layer of black scum lay on the canal water.运河水面上有一层厚厚的黑色浮渣。The canal is roughly parallel to the main road.这条运河大致与主干道平行。The footpath runs along the canal.小路沿着运河延伸。We went for a leisurely ride along the canal.我们悠闲地沿运河旅行了一次。There's a real danger of the banks being eroded away and the canal silting up.极有可能存在河岸遭侵蚀、河床被淤塞的危险。The canal bank was thickly overgrown with bushes.运河岸边灌木丛生。Lanterns burned in the boats on the canal.运河上的船都点着灯笼。He had tied the dog to one of the trees near the canal.他把狗拴在了沟旁的一棵树上。They found the man's body after dragging the canal.他们用拖网从运河里捞出了那个人的尸体。




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