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例句 Later he called a meeting of his party's central office bearers.后来他召集了他所属党派的核心领导人开会。The prime minister convened (a meeting of) his cabinet to discuss the matter.首相召集部长(开会)讨论这个问题。He was one of the small select group assembled by Penney, at the High Explosive Research centre.他是彭尼在烈性炸药研究中心召集的精英小组的一员。The president summoned a meeting/conference.总裁召集了会议。He corralled his fellow freshmen for a meeting.召集他的一年级新同学开了个会。The president called the cabinet together.总统召集内阁会议。I'd like you to get the staff together, please.我想请你去召集全体工作人员。The queen assembled her court.女王把她的侍臣召集在一起。The strike was called by the Lebanese Forces militia.罢工是黎巴嫩武装民兵召集的。The quarterback called the offense into a huddle.四分卫召集进攻队员聚拢听取战术。He called together all his employees and announced that the manager was none other than his son.他把所有的员工召集到一起,宣布经理不是别人,正是他的儿子。Parliament reassembled after a seven-week break.议会休会七周后再次召集起来。The President convened his top aides for the regular meeting.总统召集高级助手举行例会。The authority to call an emergency meeting rests with the president.召集紧急会议的权力在总统手中。Retired doctors and nurses were pressed into service to help care for the wounded.退休医生和护士也被召集起来帮助照顾伤员。The lawyers called a meeting of all the concerned parties.律师们召集各当事方开了一次会。The boss called us in for a conference.老板召集我们来开会。The band piped us to our barracks.军乐队吹奏号角把我们召集到了营房。A team of scientists was assembled to study the problem.一批科学家被召集起来研究这个问题。She organized people to work for social justice.召集民众争取社会公平。Last August he convened a meeting of his closest advisers at Camp David.去年八月他召集自己最亲信的顾问在戴维营开了一次会。It was the first attempt in history to assemble representatives of all the major regions.把所有主要地区的代表都召集起来,这在历史上还是第一次。Richard was marshalling the doctors and nurses, showing them where to go.理查德正在召集医护人员,向他们说明去哪里。President Clinton summoned his top White House aides to discuss the crisis.克林顿总统召集白宫的高级助理来商讨这次危机。Firefighters were called to a house in Summertown.消防队员被召集到萨默敦的一栋房子。We heard bells calling the faithful to prayer.我们听到召集信徒去祈祷的钟声。The President summoned all the state governors to a conference on education.总统召集各州州长召开了一次教育研讨会。I don't think it would do any harm if you were to assemble everybody and tell them what's going on.我认为,把大家召集起来并且告诉他们发生了什么,是不会有问题的。The Queen rode to Dunbar and raised an army.女王骑马赶到邓巴,召集了一支军队。It was successful in rallying voters at election time.选举时召集选民队伍的举措获得成功。A meeting was called to decide between the three candidates.召集了一次会议来决定在这三名候选人中选哪位。They had to summon a second conference and change the previous decision.他们不得不召集第二次会议,改变以前的决定。The sheriff rounded up a posse and went after the bank robbers.县治安官召集了一个民防团,追捕银行劫匪。He has assembled a team of experts to handle queries.召集了一个专家组来答疑。John has taken an active part in getting artists together for the festival.约翰积极参与了召集艺术家出席节庆活动的工作。He convened a meeting of the members of the club.召集俱乐部成员开会。A counterculture group that annually brings together thousands of people for peace gatherings will convene in the Black Hills next month.一个每年会召集数千人参加和平集会的反文化团体,将于下个月在黑山集结。The committee met at the call of the chairman.委员会应主席的召集而开会。The Times article prompted him to call a meeting of the staff.《泰晤士报》的文章敦促他召集一次全体员工大会。You've been assembled for a very important reason.把大家召集起来有一个非常重要的原因。




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