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词汇 camouflage
例句 Animals camouflage themselves for many reasons.动物伪装自己的原因很多。I think that there has been an attempt to camouflage what really happened.我认为有人企图掩盖事情的真相。The letter was sandwiched between other documents to camouflage it.信夹在其他文件中间被伪装起来。Aggression is often a camouflage for insecurity.好斗往往是对缺乏安全感的掩饰。The rabbit's white fur acts as a camouflage in the snow.在雪中,兔子的白色毛皮就是它的保护色。The animal's markings provide effective camouflage.这种动物身上的斑纹是很有效的伪装。Rabbits use their white fur as camouflage in the snow.在雪中,兔子用它们的白色毛皮保护自己。Some insects have a natural camouflage which hides them from the attack of their enemies.有些昆虫有一种天然的保护色可以防止敌人的袭击。Animals have evolved camouflage to protect themselves from predators.动物进化形成了伪装,以保护它们不受食肉动物的捕食。They were dressed in camouflage and carried automatic rifles.他们身穿迷彩服,手持自动步枪。Patterns like stripes or spots can help to camouflage an animal.条纹和斑点一类的图案可以帮助动物伪装自己。The constant partygoing of her later years was a desperate camouflage for her grief.她晚年时不停地参加聚会,其实是在竭力掩饰自己的悲伤。He was wearing army camouflage.他一身迷彩装扮。Her so-called charity work was a camouflage for her own self-interest.她做的所谓的慈善之举不过是在掩饰私利。They covered their tanks with leaves and branches as camouflage.他们用树枝和树叶将坦克伪装起来。It was impossible to camouflage the facts.要掩盖事实是不可能的。His tough attitude served as camouflage.他强硬的态度就是一种掩饰。Many snakes use camouflage to hide from predators and prey.许多种蛇利用伪装避免被捕食者和猎物发现。The constant partygoing of her later years was a desperate camouflage for her grief.她晚年不停地参加各种聚会,其实是在竭力掩饰心中的悲痛。I see your ring, but is that camouflage or echt?我看见你戴的结婚戒指,可不知是掩人耳目还是真的? He believed that her kindness was merely a camouflage for her real intentions.他认为她的好心不过是为了掩饰她的真实意图。Confident in its camouflage, being the same colour as the rocks, the lizard stands still when it feels danger.由于和岩石颜色一样,蜥蜴对自己的保护色充满信心;遇到危险时,它便一动不动。The lizards camouflage themselves by changing colour.蜥蜴会变颜色伪装自己。The army tanks were painted green and brown for camouflage.为了隐蔽,军队坦克被漆上了绿色和棕色。




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