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词汇 口音
例句 Other children would mock her accent. 别的孩子会通过模仿她的口音来取笑她。His English was heavily accented.他说的英语带浓重的口音She has a strong Glaswegian accent.她有很重的格拉斯哥口音At university he affected an upper-class accent.在大学里他拿腔捏调假装上流社会口音I've tried to pass off my accent as a convent school accent.我努力将口音装成女修会学校的口音Mimicking the President's familiar accent, DJ Rogers told his listeners that aliens had invaded.唱片骑师罗杰斯模仿总统那很熟悉的口音,告诉听众外星人入侵了。She spoke in a broad Glaswegian accent.她说话时带有浓重的格拉斯哥口音He has a cockney accent.他操一口伦敦东区口音He spoke heavily/strongly/slightly accented English.他说英语带有浓重/明显/轻微的异国口音He is a foreigner, as is evident from his accent.他是外国人这一点从他讲话的口音就可分辨出来。He spoke with a broad Australian accent.他讲话带有很重的澳大利亚口音Her French was slurred and oddly accented.她的法语发音含糊并且有奇怪的口音By your speech I can tell you're from Hong Kong.听你的口音,我能知道你是香港人。She had a strong Russian accent to her English.她讲英语有很重的俄国口音You don't sound like a local man, sir.先生,你讲话的口音不像是本地人。He answered our questions in English but with a thick accent.他用英语回答了我们的问题,不过口音很重。Part of his charm lay in his melodious Scottish accent.他的部分魅力来自于他那悦耳的苏格兰口音She's really good at imitating our teacher's Scottish accent.她模仿我们老师的苏格兰口音惟妙惟肖。He used to affect a foreign accent.他过去常假装外国口音He had a soft, musical accent.他的口音轻柔,悦耳动听。He has a good ear for accents and can usually tell where a speaker comes from.他对口音有灵敏的辨别力,通常能听出讲话人来自哪儿。She spoke in a strong Jamaican accent.她说话带有很重的牙买加口音Hans speaks English beautifully, without a trace of a foreign accent.汉斯英语说得极好,听不出一丝外国口音When she heard my accent, she adopted a warmer tone.她听出了我的口音,说话便热情起来。In accent and mannerism he appeared to be completely Eastern European.口音和举止上看,他像一个地道的东欧人。He had never lost his accent.他从来没有改过自己的口音Gina does accents extremely well.吉娜模仿口音惟妙惟肖。Her companion had a broad Australian accent.她的同伴有很重的澳大利亚口音He had coarsened his voice to an approximation of Cockney.他让自己的口音变得粗俗起来,接近伦敦东区土话的发音。Mid-fifties, short black hair, grey moustache, distinctive Russian accent. Need I go on?五十四五岁,黑色短发,灰色八字胡,明显的俄国口音,还需要我继续说吗?A farmer noticed our foreign accents and tipped off the Security Police.一个农民听出我们有外国口音,暗中通知了保安警察。He mimicked her upper-class accent.他模仿她上流社会的口音His accent made his speech incomprehensible to me.他的口音让我很难听懂他说的话。She adopted an upper-class accent to give herself a veneer of sophistication.她操着上层社会的口音,装出一副很老练的样子。Her English was strongly accented but quite intelligible.她说的英语口音很重,不过还是听得懂的。Because I had an unusual accent people were not able to put me into a pigeon-hole.因为我与众不同的口音,人们无法把我归入任何一类。It was hard for me to understand her - her accent was very strong.我很难听懂她的话,她口音很重。Where you learned a language is reflected in your accent.你的口音显示出你是在哪儿学习这门语言的。Her Irish accent, after thirty-odd years in London, is undiluted.她在伦敦住了三十多年,爱尔兰口音还是那么浓。Only his accent sets him apart.他只是口音跟别人不一样。




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