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词汇 口腔
例句 The nitric acid changed the cuticle of his mouth to a yellow color.硝酸将他口腔里的护膜变成了一种黄颜色。I burned the roof of my mouth.我烫伤了我的口腔上腭。Brushing your teeth freshens your mouth.刷牙使口腔保持洁净。Vomiting is the regurgitation of partly digested food from the stomach to the mouth.呕吐是部分消化的食物从胃部回流到口腔的过程。Her employer offers a great dental plan. 雇主给她投了一份很棒的口腔医疗险。The dentist drew out the bad tooth from the patient's mouth.牙医从病人口腔里拔出了那只蛀牙。An enzyme in the saliva of the mouth starts the process of breaking down the food.由于唾液中酶的作用,食物进入口腔时就开始了分解过程。An orthodontist took a cast of the inside of Billy's mouth.正畸医生从比利的口腔内部取了模型。




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