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词汇 叛军
例句 They have been supplying covert military aid to the rebels.他们一直在暗中向叛军提供军事援助。The rebels encountered no opposition on their march into the city.叛军在进城的过程中没有遇到抵抗。It is unlikely that the rebels will be able to marshal as much firepower as the government troops.叛军不太可能组织起和政府军同样强大的火力。The army was well-trained and well-armed, and had little difficulty defeating the rebels.军队训练有素,装备精良,几乎没费什么力便击溃了叛军Government forces have breached the rebels' defences.政府军已经攻破叛军的防御工事。She fell into the clutches of the rebel forces.她落入了叛军的手中。The rebellious troops ringed the airfield.叛军包围了机场。British troops then burst forth from the town to hasten the rebels on their way.英国军队突然冲出小镇,使叛军急忙落荒而逃。The rebels are poised for a new assault on the government garrisons.叛军准备好要对政府驻军发起新一轮的猛攻。The rebels are on the point of surrender.叛军很快就要投降了。The rebels headed for the border but government troops were still at their heels.叛军开往边境,可政府军仍紧追不舍。The rebel soldiers tried repeatedly to storm the building.叛军屡次尝试强攻这座建筑。The advancing army put the rebels to flight.不断推进的军队使叛军溃退。Government troops are moving in on the rebel stronghold.政府军正向叛军的据点逼近。Rebel soldiers attacked the island, seizing the capital and arresting government officials.叛军袭击该岛,攻占了首都并逮捕了政府官员。The king sent out his special forces to crush the rebellion.国王派出特种部队镇压叛军Rebel forces still hold sway in the northern parts of the country.叛军仍然控制着这个国家的北部地区。The rebel army has readjusted its strategy.叛军已经重新调整了策略。An archbishop has been acting as mediator between the rebels and the authorities.一位大主教一直充当叛军和当局的调停人。Rebel troops stormed the presidential palace.叛军猛攻总统府。The rebels hoisted the white flag of surrender.叛军升起了白旗投降。They said the bodies were found when rebels recaptured the area.他们说尸体是在叛军重新占领这个地区时发现的。Tanks and bulldozers encroached on rebel-controlled territory early this morning.今天一大早,坦克和推土机占领了叛军控制的地区。Encouraged by their success, the rebel forces advanced with newfound confidence.叛军因那次成功士气大增,建立起新的信心继续推进。Only a successful assault on the rebels’ headquarters could have ended the civil war.只有成功袭击叛军司令部才有可能结束内战。Despite incurring heavy losses, the rebels now hold the town and the surrounding hills.叛军尽管损失惨重,但现在控制了该镇及其周围的小山。The government had hoped to mop up rebel resistance.政府早就希望肃清叛军的抵抗。The rebels were offered easy terms of surrender.叛军得到了优厚的投降条件。The English were decisively defeated by the rebels in the battle that followed.英格兰人在之后的那场战役中被叛军打得惨败。The sound of rebel gunfire rumbled in the hills.叛军的枪炮声在山上轰隆隆地响着。Eastern towns were seized by the rebels two years ago.东部城镇两年前被叛军占领了。The troops happened upon the rebels at the edge of the forest.部队在森林边上和叛军不期而遇。They put the rebel army to rout.他们彻底击溃了叛军The King's mercy towards the rebels was regarded as a sign of weakness.国王对叛军的宽容被视为软弱的象征。Mr. Cohen held discussions at the embassy with one of the rebel leaders.科恩先生在大使馆与其中一名叛军领导人进行谈判。The rebels were supported by a number of foreign governments who provided arms and money.叛军得到了一些外国政府在武器和资金上的支持。UN officials say two military observers were seized by the rebels.联合国官员称两名军事观察员被叛军控制。The rebels are using money from the sale of drugs to buy weapons.叛军在利用贩毒所得的钱购买武器。The agreement would allow the rebels to be incorporated into a new national police force.协议将允许把叛军收编入一支新的国家警备部队。When military convoys lose vehicles to rebel mines, they usually burn the closest village and murder its inhabitants.当军事护卫队的车辆被叛军地雷炸毁后,他们往往会烧毁最近的村庄,并杀戮村里的居民。




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