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词汇 advertisements
例句 It is questionable whether the advertisements will increase sales.这些广告能否提高销量很难说。Men want to look like the idealized men depicted in advertisements.男人们希望自己看上去像广告中描绘的那种理想化男人。He scoured the advertisements for teaching posts.他浏览各种广告寻找教职。The advertisements were deliberately misleading and false.这些广告是在故意误导和作假。Sunday magazines include a high proportion of advertisements.周日杂志含有大量广告。Young people are the most susceptible to advertisements.年轻人最容易受广告的影响。He was always trying new toothpastes and was a pushover for all the advertisements he saw.他老是试用各种新牙膏,看到什么广告都相信。People are getting wise to the tricks politicians use in campaign advertisements.人们逐渐意识到政客们在竞选宣传中使用的把戏。These advertisements are specifically aimed at young people.这些广告是专门针对年轻人的。Clever advertisements are temptations to spend money.巧妙的广告是诱人花钱的花招。The advertisements were offensive to women.那些广告触犯了女性。If their advertisements are shocking, this is entirely intentional.如果说他们的广告使人震惊,那完全是存心的。She scanned the job/property advertisements in the paper.她浏览了一下报纸的招聘/房地产广告。The company is running a series of advertisements in national newspapers.公司正在全国性报纸上刊登一系列广告。Federal organizations have been monitoring the Internet for deceptive advertisements, consumer fraud, and other unlawful activities.一些联邦机构一直在监控互联网上是否有做虚假广告、欺骗消费者等的违法活动。I got up to make a cup of tea while the advertisements were on.播放广告的时候我起来泡了一杯茶。Voters don't like political advertisements in which opponents disparage one another.选民们不喜欢看对手间彼此诋毁的政治广告。The advertisements are intended to create demand for the product.这些广告旨在为这种产品创造市场需求。The newspaper carried advertisements for several products.报纸登载了几种产品的广告。Those advertisements are all humbug.那些广告全是胡乱吹嘘。The advertisements were highly offensive to women.这些广告对妇女是大大的冒犯。I scanned the job advertisements in the paper.我浏览了一下报纸上的招聘广告。At this time of year, the papers are full of advertisements for skiing holidays.每年的这个时候,报纸上都登满了滑雪度假的广告。The club made money by selling advertisements in the newsletter.那个俱乐部靠提供业务通讯的广告版面赚钱。The advertisements are aimed at building support for political candidates.这些广告旨在为政治候选人赢得支持。Misleading advertisements are prohibited by law.骗人的广告为法律所禁止。A lot of advertisements just exploit our own insecurities.很多广告利用的不过是我们自身的不安全感。Television viewers are being carpet-bombed with political advertisements as election day approaches.随着大选日的临近,电视观众开始被各种政治广告轮番轰炸。This magazine is full of glossy advertisements for aftershave.这本杂志满是介绍须后水的广告,尽是些夸夸其谈的东西。These advertisements are geared towards a younger audience.这些广告的对象是年轻的观众。The magazine contains pages and pages of advertisements for foreign holidays.杂志里面有一页又一页海外度假的广告。He believes the average consumer is being led down the garden path by the promises in advertisements.他认为普通消费者被广告中的承诺所误导。The government introduced a law prohibiting tobacco advertisements on TV.政府颁布了一项法律: 禁止在电视上播放烟草广告。The advertisements by the side of the road sometimes distract the attention of motorists.路旁的广告有时会转移驾车人的注意。The more intrusive advertisements become, the more they irritate Web users.广告侵入性越强,网络使用者越讨厌它们。The company is running advertisements touting the drug's effectiveness.那家公司正在打广告吹捧这种药的疗效。The advertisements were designed to shock - that was the whole point of the campaign.这些广告为的就是惊世骇俗——这就是此次活动的全部意义。Most car advertisements are aimed at men.大多数汽车广告都针对男性。We placed advertisements in a number of national newspapers.我们在多家全国性的报纸上都刊登了广告。The company's advertisements are ubiquitous.那家公司的广告随处可见。




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