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词汇 受到邀请
例句 She was greatly flattered by an invitation to visit the White House.她对受到邀请访问白宫感到很荣幸。Has she got an invitation? I don't remember inviting her.受到邀请了?我记不得曾邀请过她。We crashed Joe's party yesterday.昨天我们没有受到邀请就去参加了乔的派对。Many people were invited and all came.很多人都受到邀请,而且他们也全都来了。He's not invited.他没有受到邀请This leaves me with the ticklish job of explaining to Debbie that she is not invited.这样就给我出了一个难题:如何向黛比解释她没有受到邀请She has a standing invitation to use the university's research laboratory.受到邀请,可长期使用这所大学的研究实验室。She's upset that she wasn't invited.让她生气的是她没有受到邀请Parents are invited to attend the open house next Thursday.学生家长受到邀请去参加下周四的学校参观日。We esteem it an honour to be invited.我们能受到邀请不胜荣幸。I consider it a great honour to be invited.我觉得受到邀请是很大的荣幸。As a general rule, the police may only enter your house if you invite them in.一般来说,警察只有受到邀请才会进屋。Elizabeth had a standing invitation to stay with her.伊丽莎白受到邀请,可以随时去她家住。




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