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词汇 受到称赞
例句 The committee is to be congratulated for presenting its findings in such an informative manner.该委员会以如此令人增长见识的方式阐述其发现应该受到称赞She was praised for the nicety of her judgment.她因判断力精确而受到称赞He was praised for fathering a plan to improve the city's schools.他因制订了一项改善本市学校的计划而受到称赞She is admired for the generosity of her spirit. = She is admired for her generosity of spirit. 她因慷慨大度的精神而受到称赞His efforts to help people should be applauded.他帮助别人的努力应受到称赞She earned praise as the architect of a new school program.她作为新学校的方案设计师受到称赞The author is often praised for her simple, economical writing style. 那名作者常因其质朴简练的文风受到称赞They were much pleased by the compliment.他们因受到称赞而极为高兴。




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