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词汇 受到影响
例句 Predictions that the recession will be short are small comfort to those already affected.关于经济衰退不会延续很长时间的预测对那些已经受到影响的人来说只是小小的安慰。Andrews was asked to spell out exactly how pensions would be affected.安德鲁斯被要求详细说明退休金如何受到影响This condition affects one in five Americans.这种病使五分之一的美国人受到影响The first line of treatment is to help the affected skin by moisturising it regularly.首要的治疗方法就是通过定期滋润来帮助受到影响的皮肤。The whole food chain is affected by the over-use of chemicals in agriculture.整个食物链都因农业生产中化学品过度使用而受到影响We had to change our plans, but we were none the worse for it in the end.我们只好改变计划,但我们最后也没因此受到影响He apologized to the people who had been affected.他向受到影响的人赔了不是。The whole food chain is affected by the over use of chemicals in agriculture.整个食物链因农业中过度使用化学物质而受到影响It is too early to say whether insurance premiums will be affected.现在说保险费是否会受到影响还为时尚早。Responsibility is devolved down to the people who are affected.责任移交给了那些受到影响的人。His health and vigour were unimpaired by a stroke.他的健康和精力在经历了一次中风后没有受到影响Because of the budget cuts, some students, through no fault of their own, may have a hard time paying their way.由于削减了预算,那些无辜受到影响的学生可能很难承担完成学业所需的费用了。I hope we won't lose our friendship on that account. 我希望我们的友谊不会因此而受到影响The president's popularity remained largely unaffected by the whole affair.总统的支持率基本上并未因整个事件而受到影响This move caused consternation among universities and the government, not to speak of the students affected.这个举措在大学和政府里造成了恐慌,更不用说受到影响的学生们了。The rest of the world was in recession, but the Soviet economy remained unaffected.世界上其他地方的经济都在衰退,唯独苏联没有受到影响We're not directly affected by the changes in taxation.我们并没有因税制的改变而直接受到影响It's true that our schools have suffered in the past from a lack of funding, but we are changing that.我们的学校过去确实因缺乏经费而受到影响,但我们正在改变这种情况。I'm worried and my work is beginning to suffer.我忧心忡忡,工作开始受到影响




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