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词汇 call to
例句 The film is a call to action on climate change.这部影片鼓动人们对气候变迁采取行动。After Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, President Roosevelt's call to war resonated throughout the nation.日本攻击珍珠港之后,罗斯福总统号召全民参战在全国产生共鸣。Back then, people believed they were called to the ministry.那时候人们都相信自己去担当神职是上帝的旨意。I called to inquire about the schedule.我打电话询问日程安排。Construction managers must be on call to deal with emergencies.施工经理必须随叫随到处理紧急情况。Elsie called to inquire after my health.埃尔茜打来电话问我身体如何。Her strength was ebbing fast, so her children were called to her bedside.她的气力在迅速消减,因此孩子们被叫到她床边。A summit meeting of OPEC leaders was called to find a solution to the oil crisis.石油输出国组织领导人召开了峰会以寻找石油危机的解决办法。We have a reservation for you for tomorrow night. Please call to confirm.我们收到了您明晚的预订,请来电确认。Many young people are feeling the call to do charity work.许多年轻人都对从事慈善事业有着强烈的愿望。He instructed switchboard staff to divert all Laura's calls to him.他让总机接线员将劳拉所有的电话都转给他。He called to passersby for help.他向路人大声呼喊求助。He felt called to write to all his fellow investors, warning them of the impending crisis.他感到有责任写信给所有和他一起投资的人,告诫他们提防即将到来的危机。When officials like gas and electricity men call to read the meter, ask for identification.当有燃气或电力公司的职员来抄表时,要请他们出示身份证件。The company car is always on call to take you to our meetings.公司的汽车可随时来接你出席会议。Many people have heeded his call to volunteer. 许多人响应他的号召,成为了志愿者。He felt called to go overseas.他感到神在召唤他到国外去。He transferred my call to another line.他把我打的电话转接到另一条线上。A meeting was called to decide between the three candidates.召集了一次会议来决定在这三名候选人中选哪位。The regulars were called to battle.正规军人应召参战。The gas people haven't called to repair the cooker so I shall have to get stroppy with them.他们还没有叫煤气修理工来修理煤气灶,我怎么能不生气。The prime minister put in a call to the White House.总理给白宫打了个电话。The book is a call to action.这本书是行动的号召。It only took one phone call to set the wheels in motion.只打了一个电话就让事情运作起来了。"Madeleine called to say she's too busy to come." "She would - she always has an excuse."“玛德琳打电话来说她太忙了,来不了。”“她总是这样──永远有借口。”The cashier was called to account for the missing cash.出纳员被要求对这笔遗失的现金作出解释。A meeting was called to redraft the state budget proposal.为了重新起草国家财政预算提案而召开了一次会议。The president's speech was pitched as a call to arms.总统的讲话是一个要大家拿起武器的号召。The House of Commons has overwhelmingly rejected calls to bring back the death penalty for murder.下议院以压倒性的多数驳回了对谋杀罪恢复死刑判决的呼吁。Police were called to the hotel after a tip-off.得到密告后,警察被派遣到这家酒店。A ceasefire has been called to allow the survivors to bury their dead.人们呼吁停火以便幸存者能够掩埋他们死去的亲人。One night he was called to see a woman with tuberculosis.一天夜里,有人打来电话,请他去给一位患肺结核的妇女看病。A meeting has been called to resolve the dispute.为解决争端已召开了一个会议。Her book is a political call to arms.她的书是一个政治上的战斗号令。I thought a phone call to the right person might set the wheels in motion.我想,给管事的人打个电话或许就会起作用。The fisherman called to the villagers on the shore.渔夫向岸上的村民们呼喊。She called to reschedule her appointment.她打来电话重新安排约见的时间。The government issued a call to arms.政府发出了战斗号令。I waved and called to her, and she returned my greeting.我向她挥手打招呼,她也对我报以问候。Fire crews were called to the scene.消防队接警赶到现场。




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