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词汇 call out
例句 As he began his speech, a heckler called out asking for his opinion on gun control.他刚开始演讲,一名诘难者就大声质问他对枪械管制的看法。The lifeboat was called out again during the night.夜间救生船又一次按指示出动了。Miss Hoare called out names and marked them off.霍尔小姐在点名,并把点过的名字一一划掉。We seldom called out doctors at night.我们很少在夜间请医生来治病。The transport workers were called out.运输工人被号召起来罢工。As the teacher called out our names, we stepped up one by one to receive our report cards.当老师叫到我们的名字时,我们一个一个走上去接过成绩报告单。 She called out to me in a loud voice.她大声地叫我。The firemen called out to him.消防队员对他大声呼喊。The quarterback called out the play to his teammates.四分卫向队友下达战术。He called out her name in his sleep.他在睡梦中呼喊她的名字。Mounted troops were called out to put an end to the disorder in the streets.骑兵部队被召来平息街头的骚乱。The governor has called out troops to help control the riot.州长已调动军队协助控制骚乱。They called out the guards to investigate the noises outside.他们叫警卫人员去查看外面喧哗的原因。Factory workers are expected to be called out on strike if a new contract isn't signed by tomorrow.如果明天之内不签署新合同,工人可能会奉命举行罢工。The lifeboat was called out yesterday.昨天救生船被叫来了。The police could not control the demonstrators, so troops were called out.警方控制不了示威的群众,因此出动了军队。Troopers are called out in emergencies or dangerous situations.在紧急或危险的情况下可出动州警察。He called out to them to watch out for the unexploded mine.他冲他们大喊,叫他们小心哑雷。He called out in his sleep.他在睡梦中呼喊。The fire brigade should always be called out to a house fire.一旦房屋失火,就应该马上叫消防队来。She called out his name but he didn't look back.她喊他的名字,但他没有回头。I called out to them, but no one replied.我冲他们叫喊,但是没人回应。The Pittsburgh steelworkers were called out yesterday.匹兹堡的钢铁工人根据指示于昨天举行罢工。I called out her name but I got no answer. 我喊了她一声,但没得到回应。Somebody called out her name from below.有人在下面大声喊她的名字。The ball was called out.那个球被判出界。His eloquent speech called out a response in the heart of every man.他雄辩的演说在每个人的心里引起了反应。It would only be a matter of minutes before the alarm was raised and the guard called out.警报响起、警卫出动只需要几分钟时间。The garrison was called out when news of the enemy's advance was received.收到敌人推进的情报后,卫戍部队受命出动。In past years a gentleman should call out any man who was rude to his wife.在过去,一个体面的人应该向任何一个对他妻子无礼的人提出决斗。He said he would call out the state militia if the rebels did not surrender.他说如果反叛分子拒不投降,他就要出动州国民自卫队。David's familiar deep voice called out to her as she walked past.她走过时,戴维用她熟悉的低沉声音喊她。Then they call out our names in order and we answer yes or no.随后,他们依次点我们的名字,我们则回答到与否。The PA announcer called out the score.有线广播的播音员大声说出了比分。I was called out to attend a domestic dispute.我被叫出去解决一场家庭纠纷。Anti-riot squads were called out to deal with the situation.几个防暴分队被叫去处理这一情况。We had to call out a doctor.我们不得不请一位医生来。You must stand up when your name is called out.叫到你的名字时,你必须起立。Hands up, please – don't call out.请举手,别大喊大叫。She called out in pain.她疼得叫出了声。




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