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词汇 call on
例句 He questioned the government's commitment to peace and called on it to make a gesture of good will.他对政府致力和平的承诺提出质疑,并呼吁政府做出友好的表示。If you ever have a problem, you know that you can always call on us.如果你有什么困难,随时都可以来找我们。The Conference called on everyone to come together to resist the government's planned educational reforms.大会号召大家合力抵制政府的教育改革计划。The stranded motorist called on his citizens band radio for help.受困的驾车旅行者用民用波段无线电呼救。A certain person called on you yesterday.昨天有个人来拜访过你。The President paid a courtesy call on Emperor Akihito.总统对明仁天皇进行了礼节性的拜访。They called on the government to help protect native wildlife.他们呼吁政府保护本地野生动植物。He decided to pay a call on Tommy Cummings.他决定去看望一下汤米·卡明斯。We sometimes have to call on outside expertise.我们有时得借助外部的专业技术。The teacher called on me to recite.老师叫我背课文。I shall call on you next week.我下星期去看你。Members of the religious sect are very reluctant to call on outsiders for help.这个宗教派别的人非常不情愿求助于外人。The president called on companies to do well by their employees.董事长要求各公司对待员工要公正。There has been a spate of incidents where bogus officials have called on the homes of elderly people.接连发生了多起冒牌官员造访老年人居所的事件。I'm planning to call on an old friend after I leave here.我打算离开此地后去探望一位老朋友。The Opposition called on the Prime Minister to stop the arms deal.反对党敦促首相停止武器交易。The dance company has called on ballet-lovers everywhere for financial support.该舞蹈团已经呼吁各地芭蕾舞爱好者给予他们财政上的支持。He called on people to ignore what he called a smear campaign against the government.他呼吁人们不要理会他所称的针对政府的抹黑行为。He has called on the government to lift its embargo on trade with Vietnam.他呼吁政府解除对越南的贸易禁运。We called on him in his stateroom.我们到他的包房拜访了他。Waley had to call on all her reserves of stamina to win the marathon.为赢得马拉松比赛,韦利不得不全力以赴。Why don't you call on Matt on your way back from work and see how he is?你下班回家路上去看一下马特,看看他现在怎样了,好吗?They paid a courtesy call on the ambassador. 他们礼节性地拜访了大使。After repeated hardships and several close calls on his life, he arrived at the top of the world.历经千辛万苦九死一生,他终于到达了世界之巅。The game was called on account of darkness.比赛因为天黑而被叫停。The human rights group has called on the US to end the death penalty.人权组织要求美国终止死刑。It's proper to call on a new neighbour to pay one's respects.拜访新邻居以表敬意是合乎礼节的。The union called on its members to boycott the meeting.工会号召其成员拒绝参加会议。I promised to call on her after the examination.我答应考试后去看望她。A second violation was called on the basketball player.那名篮球队员被判了第二次犯规。The UN has called on both sides to observe the ceasefire.联合国已呼吁双方遵守停火协议。The President called on educators and politicians to help him restructure American education.总统号召教育家和政治家们帮助他重新调整美国的教育体系。The demonstrators called on the governor to make solving the crime a priority.示威群众要求州长将侦破这宗罪案列为头等大事。The Secretary called on all Americans to help stop the abuse and neglect of children.该部长呼吁所有美国人帮助阻止虐待儿童和忽视儿童的行为。Police chiefs called on the local people to unite against the drug dealers.警长们号召当地百姓联合起来反对毒贩。They called on the rebels to lay down their arms and surrender.他们呼吁叛军放下武器投降。I call on Mr. Brown, the first speaker on my list.现在请名单上第一位发言者布朗先生讲话。She won't freeze you out if you call on her.你如果去拜访她,她不会把你拒之门外的。The person I wanted to speak to wasn't available, so the operator put my call on hold.我要找的那个人暂时不在,接线员叫我等一下。Let's call on James on the way home.我们回家时顺道去看看詹姆斯吧。




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