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词汇 发脾气
例句 They get aroused over the slightest offense.他们因一点小事就会发脾气She's usually very reasonable as a boss, but now and again her temper flares up.她作为老板通常都很讲道理,不过偶尔也会发发脾气I know I'm late, but that's no reason to lose your temper.我知道我迟到了,但你也没理由发脾气She rarely loses her cool. 她很少发脾气She lost her temper, started screaming, and was immediately shown the door.发脾气尖叫了起来,立即就被撵了出去。I'm pretty crabby when my work isn't going too well.工作进展不顺利时,我很容易发脾气He was very cool when we broke the window, and didn't shout or get mad.我们打破窗户时他十分冷静,既没大喊大叫也没发脾气McEnroe received a warning for racket abuse in the second set.第二盘时,麦肯罗因发脾气乱摔球拍而受到警告。You shouldn't have lost control of your temper on such an occasion.你不应该在这种场合发脾气I used to get very upset and scream and swear, throwing tantrums all over the place.以前,我动不动就发脾气,大喊大叫,还骂人。He was ashamed of himself for his exhibition of temper.他为自己发脾气感到羞愧。When he loses his temper, he takes no prisoners.发脾气时就什么都听不进去了。He could lose his temper at any moment.他随时都会发脾气He was/got shirty with the people who arrived late.他对迟到的人发脾气His father is in a temper today.他父亲今天在发脾气She went on taunting him until he lost his temper.她不断奚落他,直到他发脾气She hardly ever lost her temper – least of all with Anne.她几乎从不发脾气 — 对安妮就更不用说了。I must keep my cool, she thought; losing my temper isn't going to help.我必须保持冷静,她想,发脾气无济于事。I must go and get new things, or I might have a fit.我必须获得新的东西,否则我可能会发脾气的。I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get snippy with you.对不起,我不是故意对你发脾气的。He grumped at me when I moved the chair.我移动了一下椅子,他就对我发脾气She lives in mortal terror of her husband's anger.她极度害怕她丈夫发脾气He loses his temper at the slightest thing.一丁点儿小事他都会发脾气Teachers report that children are less irritable during the afternoon.老师们报告称,儿童在下午不那么容易发脾气She loses her temper easily.她动不动就发脾气I've never seen Vic lose his temper.我从未看到过维克发脾气All kids have the occasional tantrum.所有的孩子都会偶尔发发脾气He later apologized for his outburst.他后来为自己发脾气而道歉。Taking his cue from his companion, he apologized for his earlier display of temper.他也学同伴那样,为先前发脾气的事道歉。He often gets into a temper for no reason at all.他经常无缘无故地发脾气My grandfather became fierce when he lost his temper.我的祖父发脾气时变得很粗暴。Don't go near him while he's creating.在他发脾气时别走近他。I'm sorry I blew up at you.对不起,我对你发脾气了。He was sacked for being tetchy with a titled client.他因向一位有头衔的顾客突然发脾气而被解雇。She let fly at him for being late.她因他迟到而对他发脾气The boss was out of temper with him yesterday.昨天老板对他发脾气He loses his temper now and then, but not often.他有时要发发脾气,但不是常发。One day, I just blew my top and hit him.有一天,我突然发脾气打了他。Her outbursts reflected her inability to cope with the loss of her brother.她的突然发脾气说明她无法应对失去兄弟这一事实。Taking his cue from his companion, he apologized for his earlier display of temper.他也学着像同伴那样,为先前发脾气道歉。




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