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词汇 发生意外
例句 Unless anything untoward happens we should arrive just before midday.除非发生意外,否则我们应该是刚好在中午前到达。The news of my brother's accident was unnerving.我哥哥发生意外的消息使我不知所措。There's no lifeguard here, so if you swim you'll be doing it at your own risk.这里没有救生员,因此如果你游泳,发生意外后果自负。It is worth mentioning that young children are particularly vulnerable to accidents in the home.值得一提的是,幼儿在家特别容易发生意外I won't phone you, unless something unforeseen happens.我不打电话给你,除非发生意外No lifeguard is on duty: swim at your own peril. 没有救生员值班:游泳如果发生意外,后果自负。We had to interrupt our trip when we heard John's mother had had an accident.当我们听到约翰母亲发生意外后,不得不中断了我们的行程。The ceremony proceeded without mishap.典礼顺利进行,没发生意外Her apprehensions about an accident were not fulfilled.她担心发生意外的忧虑不曾成为事实。




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