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词汇 发泄
例句 The convention is expected to be the sounding board for bitter recriminations.这次大会预计将成为人们发泄牢骚和怨言的讲坛。He let her go on talking, thinking she needed to get it out of her system.他觉得她需要发泄出来,于是继续听她说。I was so stressed out, I just needed to unload.我极度紧张,就是需要发泄一下。I'm sorry I was rotten to you, but there was no one else to take it out on.对不起,我对你态度很恶劣一可我没有其他人可以发泄His anger at last found expression in loud cursing.他的怒气最终以大声咒骂发泄了出来。The child needs an outlet for all the energy.这孩子需要有个办法让他发泄浑身的精力。Screaming at the top of your voice is a good way of venting pent-up frustration.放开嗓子尖叫是发泄内心压抑的挫败感的一种好方法。He spewed venom against his rival.他把怨恨发泄到了对手身上。I got all the emotion out of me which had been stored up.我把之前积聚的情绪全都发泄了出来。I personally don't want to release my anger on anyone else.我个人并不想把自己的愤怒发泄在别人身上。Irritated with herself, she took her annoyance out on Bridget.她生自己的气,就把怒气发泄到布丽奇特身上。You have to learn to externalize your anger.你得学会把愤怒发泄出来。He took his pent-up frustration out on his family.他把因挫败而郁积的怒气发泄在家人身上。The people vented their rage on government buildings.人们把怒气都发泄在政府大楼上了。His rage and frustration expressed themselves as/in/through temper tantrums.他通过乱发脾气来发泄自己的怒气和挫败感。I screamed because I needed to vent.我大声尖叫是因为我需要发泄一下。She needed to find a vent for her frustration.她需要找个方式发泄挫败情绪。It is better to express your anger, rather than bottle it up.生气宁可发泄出来而不要闷在肚内。He felt a trifle embarrassed by his outburst.发泄之后,他觉得有点不好意思。He directed much of his anger at his coworkers.他把许多怒火都发泄到同事身上。It's much healthier to direct your emotions outwards than to bottle them up inside you.把你的情绪发泄出来,比闷在心里更有益于健康。Paul Fussell's latest book vents his spleen against everything he hates about his country.保罗·富塞尔在新作中发泄了他对国家的所有不满。Maybe, as the Freudians tell us, that which is repressed in one way will always find some other outlet.也许,正像弗洛伊德派学者告诉我们的那样,在某一方面受到压抑的情感总会以另一种形式发泄出来。He is full of suppressed anger and needs to find some way of releasing it.他满腔怒火郁结于胸,需要找个发泄的方式。He vented his frustration on his wife.他受到挫折却把气发泄到妻子身上。All his resentment spilled out.他的怨恨一股脑全都发泄了出来。Groups like these use the Internet to spew racial hatred.像这类团体会使用因特网来发泄种族仇恨。Her sadness at last found expression in loud crying.她的悲痛终于在大声哭泣中发泄出来。These boys want an outlet for their energy.要有个办法让这些男孩子发泄他们的精力。I was, I admit, relieving my growing hostility on him.我承认我当时是在向他发泄越来越强烈的敌意。I didn't mean to upset anyone, I just needed to vent.我没想要针对任何人,我只是想发泄一下。He vented his wrath on his colleagues.他把愤怒发泄在同事身上。Don't print Senator Whoosis' blowoff yesterday.不要印发那个叫什么来着的参议员昨天发泄感情的讲话。She didn't want to give full vent to her feelings. 她不想把情感全都发泄出来。He aims his bile at religion, drugs, and politics.他把怒气发泄在宗教、毒品和政治问题上。He tries not to act out his anger/frustrations.他尽量不把他的愤怒/沮丧发泄出来。Some issues may be merely pegs on which to hang individual hostilities.某些争议问题可能只是发泄私怨的借口罢了。I had a good cry and got it out of my system.我大哭一场,痛快地发泄了一下。What he needed was an outlet for all his excess energy.他需要的是一个能让他发泄浑身过多精力的途径。The meetings allow people to give vent to their frustrations.这些集会让人们能够发泄他们的失望之情。




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