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词汇 发号施令
例句 Who calls the shots in your home?你们家谁发号施令His wife has grown executive and used to command.他妻子变得很有管理才干并惯于发号施令He acts as if he has the God-given right to tell us all what to do.他向我们发号施令就像是上帝给了他这种权利似的。He said anyone giving orders without respecting the wishes of his people is heading for disaster.他说任何不尊重人民意愿而发号施令的人都注定会走向灭亡。He smiled, relishing his moment of command.他微微一笑,品尝着这一刻发号施令的愉快。The media cannot be allowed to dictate to the government.不能让媒体对政府发号施令He didn't just command. He personally fought in several heavy battles.他不仅仅发号施令,还身先士卒参加了几次激战。The Europeans, while keen for partnership with the US, would not accept dictation.欧洲人虽然很想与美国建立伙伴关系,但不会接受其对自己发号施令He started barking orders at me.他开始对我大声发号施令Don't boss me around!不要对我发号施令If Bob starts laying down the law, just tell him to shut up.如果鲍勃开始发号施令,那就叫他闭嘴。She can't just come into this office and start laying down the law.她不能一进办公室的门就开始发号施令He'll be his own man and won't be dictated to.他会变得独立自主,不再听别人发号施令Stop being so bossy.别这么发号施令的。She resented being told what to do.她厌恶别人对她发号施令He had warned the West against trying to dictate to the Soviet Union.他警告西方国家不要试图对苏联发号施令It's definitely my mother who calls the shots in my family.在我家里绝对是我母亲发号施令She did not feel it was her place to lay down the law.她觉得这里轮不到她来发号施令If you think you can push me around like that, you're mistaken.如果你认为你能那样对我发号施令,那么你错了。Her power over me is finished.她再也不能向我发号施令了。I won't have him dictating to me.我不要他对我发号施令She was tired of her husband's dictation.她对丈夫的发号施令感到厌烦。He was the tough guy, the big shot, who gave orders with the crack of a whip.他是个硬汉,是个挥著鞭子发号施令的大人物。When he tried to take charge, she soon put him in his place.当他试图发号施令时,她很快让他明白说了算的不是他。He was looking obediently at Keith, waiting for orders.他恭顺地看着基思,等着他发号施令He officiously shouted orders at the workers.他指手画脚地大声对工人们发号施令She certainly likes giving orders.她确实爱发号施令She quickly starts laying down the law to her estranged son.她很快就开始向她那感情疏远的儿子发号施令Europeans sometimes feel the Americans are trying to push them around.欧洲人有时候觉得美国人在试图对他们发号施令He was accustomed to command, not to entreat.他习惯于发号施令,而不是恳求他人。Don't lay down the law to me.不要对我发号施令When we're out, he gets really bossy and starts ordering me around.我们出门在外时,他变得很爱发号施令,开始不停地支使我干这干那。I could hear him laying down the law.我听到他在发号施令No stranger should lord it over this household!任何外人不得对这个家庭指手划脚,发号施令! The sergeant was bellowing orders.中士在大声地发号施令When we're out he gets really bossy and starts ordering me around.当我们在外面的时候,他变得很爱发号施令,开始不停地让我干这干那。An officer stood on one of the tanks and began shouting commands through a loudspeaker.一名军官站在其中一辆坦克上,开始用扩音器高声发号施令One of the prison guards was bawling orders across the yard.有个狱警在院子那头吆喝着发号施令With kids like that you have to lay down the law and let them see you're serious.对于那样的小孩你必须发号施令,让他们知道你是严肃认真的。She made all the decisions, gave all the orders, and Ramón slavishly complied.她专权独断,爱发号施令,而拉蒙卑躬屈膝地顺从。




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