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The caller warned that the attacks will continue until the demands are met.打电话来的那人警告说,这些要求如果得不到满足,他们还将继续发动袭击。Every rebel raid is another turn of the screw.叛军每次发动袭击就是又向前逼进一步。Uncle Bub described Union troops foraging, killing pigs and chickens, and stealing food.巴布叔叔描述说,联军发动袭击,杀死了猪和鸡,还偷走了粮食。Every rebel raid is another turn of the screw, increasing the pressure on the President.每次叛乱分子发动袭击就是又往前逼进了一步,使得总统的压力越来越大。On their second raid they were more cunning.第二次发动袭击时他们更为聪明。 |