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词汇 反对票
例句 Several Conservative MPs have voted against the government.几个保守党下院议员给政府投了反对票There were more noes than yeses to the proposal.该提案的反对票多于赞成票。Danby was dismayed that Watt had opposed him in the vote.丹比对沃特投了他反对票感到失望。They voted against him at the second ballot.他们在第二轮投票中给他投了反对票The bill shot through the parliament with a minimum of opposition.这项议案以最少的反对票很快在国会获得通过。The no-votes are leading the yeses.反对票领先于赞成票。Every council member voted against the proposal.每个市政会委员都对该提案投了反对票The electorate is astute enough to vote tactically against the Government.选民们很精明,很有策略地投了政府的反对票He claims that he supported the bill, but in fact he voted against it. 他声称支持这项议案,但事实上他投了反对票There was a Labour rebellion when some left-wing MPs voted against the Chancellor's tax cuts.工党内部发生内讧,一些左翼国会议员对财政大臣提出的减税政策投了反对票The law was passed with only a few MPs voting against.该法律已获通过,只有数名议员投了反对票




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