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词汇 反对派
例句 A heavy responsibility rests on the opposition.重大责任落在反对派身上。An opposition spokesman said he hoped the agreement would give them pause for thought about the futility of violence.反对派发言人说他希望协议能够让他们仔细想想暴力行为毫无意义。The government's policy of imprisoning protesters had successfully squelched opposition.政府囚禁抗议者的政策成功地镇压了反对派Newspapers must reflect the views of the opposition as well as those of the government.报纸不仅要反映政府的观点,而且还要反映反对派的意见。Opposition leaders are denying any contact with the government in Kabul.反对派领袖否认与喀布尔政府有任何联系。The opposition has demanded a rerun of the elections.反对派要求重新选举。The decision was made in the negative.作出的决议支持反对派的意见。The National Salvation Front has already replied to this series of opposition moves with its own demonstrations.民族救亡阵线已经组织了示威,以此回击反对派的一系列活动。Opponents have questioned the legitimacy of the ruling.反对派对政府统治的合法性提出了质疑。He accused the opposition of trying to sabotage the election.他指责反对派企图阻挠选举的进行。The Prime Minister accused opposition leaders of muck-raking.首相指责反对派领袖喜欢探听他人隐私。The opposition parties are boycotting the elections.反对派政党都在抵制选举。The government imprisoned all opposition leaders.政府把反对派领导人全部监禁起来。The opposition aren't going to give the new government an easy ride.反对派不会让新政府顺利地开展工作。Opposition groups declared a boycott of the elections.反对派宣布抵制选举。The capital has been besieged by the opposition militia for two months now.首都至今已被反对派民兵组织围困两个月了。They pulverized the opposition.他们击溃了反对派The opposition has demanded a re-run of parliamentary elections held yesterday.反对派要求重新举行昨天进行的议会选举。The protests have failed partly because the opposition politicians are no great shakes.抗议失败了,部分原因是因为反对派政治家们并未发挥积极作用。Opposition members felt the conference had been packed with government supporters.反对派的成员们觉得政府早就在大会中安插了许多支持者。He has gradually acquiesced to the demands of the opposition.他渐渐顺从了反对派的要求。Opposition leaders were flung into jail.反对派领导人被投入监狱。This is just another shameless attempt by the Opposition to gain power at any cost.这只是反对派又一次不惜代价篡夺权力的无耻行为。The new prime minister agreed to lift the ban on opposition newspapers.新首相同意取消对反对派报纸的禁令。The regime has ruthlessly eliminated the leaders of the opposition.当局残忍地杀害了反对派领导人。The demonstrations were provoked by the unexplained death of an opposition leader.一位反对派领袖莫名身亡,引发了示威游行。He says the opposition will radicalize its demands if these conditions aren't met.他说如果这些条件不能得到满足,反对派的要求会变得更激进。The new Secrecy Act will muzzle the media and the opposition.新的保密法将会压制媒体及反对派的声音。Efforts to silence opposition have so far been unsuccessful.反对派言论的压制目前来说还远未成功。Opposition leaders were unanimously unimpressed by the government's claims.反对派领导人一致认为政府的声明不可信。Opponents say the government's policy is a disaster waiting to happen. 反对派人士说,政府的政策将招致灾祸。The gap between the President and his opponents is unbridgeable.总统和反对派之间的嫌隙是不可弥合的。The opposition, predictably, accused the Government of incompetence.正如原先预见的一样,反对派们指责政府无能。The noes won and the idea was dropped.反对派取胜,这条意见就此作罢。The government has banned all broadcasts by opposition groups.政府禁止了所有反对派的广播节目。Several opposition leaders described the programme as a major step backwards for democracy.几位反对派领导人形容该计划是民主的一大退步。The castle was held by an opposing faction.城堡控制在反对派的手中。Opponents say their polling indicates a significant change in attitude.反对派称他们的民调显示人们的态度发生了显著变化。The opposition has called on/upon the governor to resign. 反对派要求州长辞职。Opponents of the regime had been subject to arbitrary detention.政府中的反对派人士被随意拘留。




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