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We're starting a movement against smoking.我们正掀起一场反对吸烟的运动。She is fanatically opposed to smoking.她极力反对吸烟。We're very anti smoking in this office.我们特别反对吸烟。The station is running antismoking commercials as a public service.车站播放反对吸烟的广告来作为一项公益服务。Antismoking campaigns have only been partially successful.反对吸烟的运动只取得了部分成功。The Health Department launched an anti-smoking drive.卫生部发动了一场反对吸烟的运动。The main argument against smoking is that it's bad for your health.反对吸烟的主要论点是吸烟有害健康。Since she gave up smoking she's joined the anti-smoking brigade.自从戒烟后,她加入了反对吸烟的队伍。 |