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词汇 友好
例句 He draped a friendly arm over the other's shoulders.友好地把手臂搭在另一位的肩膀上。He questioned the government's commitment to peace and called on it to make a gesture of good will.他对政府致力和平的承诺提出质疑,并呼吁政府做出友好的表示。She was cold and stand-offish.她态度冷漠,不甚友好They allowed him to keep the extra money as a gesture of goodwill.他们让他留下多余的钱,以示友好The young staff are eager and friendly.年轻的员工们热情而且友好They were pretty thick at the office.他们在办公室里都挺友好的。It's time to forget about the past and make nice.现在应该不计前嫌,友好相待。The once friendly countries became adversaries in the war.这些一度十分友好的国家在战争中成了敌对国。It was friendly of him to offer to help us.友好地向我们伸出援手。The people are friendly, but only in a superficial way.人们很友好,但只是表面上友好Hospitality cured my blues, and my journey was kept alive.友好殷勤去除了我的忧郁,旅程中依然生趣盎然。The two nations kept up an elaborate pretense of warm amity.这两个国家煞费苦心装出热烈友好的假象。They brought some bread to share as a demonstration of goodwill.他们带来了一些面包与大家分享,以示友好A veiled woman gave me a kindly smile.一位戴面纱的女士朝我友好地微笑。We have reached an amicable settlement of the dispute.我们就此争端达成了友好的解决办法。They expected a friendly reception but were in for a rude awakening.他们以为会受到友好的接待,但他们很快会发现情况并非如此。The talks were conducted in a cordial atmosphere.会谈在友好的气氛中进行。He addressed me in a jovial manner.友好地跟我说话。They were relaxed and full of bonhomie.他们轻松自在,相当友好It was a very kind and thoughtful gesture.这真是十分友好体贴的举动。They want to be thought of as warm, neighbourly, and caring.他们希望在别人眼里他们热情、友好、有爱心。The friendly atmosphere began to crack.友好的气氛开始消散。She smiled at him pleasantly.友好地朝他微笑。He's not very friendly towards newcomers.他对新来的人不太友好Jennifer knew what a difficult time I was having, and went out of her way to be friendly.珍妮弗知道这时候对我来说是多么困难,她尽可能地以友好的态度对待我。He could be very pleasant when he wanted to be.他想要友好的时候会非常友好There is a bitter/friendly rivalry between the two groups.这两个组织之间存在着激烈的/友好的竞争关系。The service desk at the entrance, with its friendly, helpful and efficient staff, sets the tone for the rest of the store.入口处服务台的员工友好、热心、效率高,让这家店显得越发高档。Her manner suddenly changed from friendliness and warmth to one of faint menace.友好热情的态度突然变得略带威胁。I enjoy working there - everyone is so friendly.我喜欢在那里工作,每个人都那么友好The two golfers still compete on a friendly basis. 这两个高尔夫球手仍然进行友好竞技。The three nations united in a league of friendship.这三个国家结成一个友好同盟。His tone is familiar and bantering; he is frank about himself.他语气友好、逗趣,谈起自己也挺坦率。Travelers abroad should be ambassadors of goodwill and friendship.出国旅行的人应担负亲善友好的使命。We parted on good terms.我们友好地分了手。Customer-friendliness was the buzzword in British business circles.客户友好是英国商业界的流行语。His voice was liquid with friendliness towards me.他对我说话的声音柔和友好They received a friendly welcome to their new home.他们在新家里受到了友好的欢迎。The meeting ended on reasonably amicable terms.会议在较为友好的气氛中结束了。He was overwhelmed by their friendly informality.他们的友好随和让他受宠若惊。




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