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词汇 及时赶到
例句 Do you think we'll get there in time?你认为我们能及时赶到那儿吗?I'll be surprised if he gets here on time.如果他及时赶到这儿,我会感到很惊讶。The plumber arrived, and not a moment too soon. 水暖工及时赶到了。If we don't make it on time, start without us.如果我们不能及时赶到,就不要等我们,先开始吧。We got there just in the nick of time.我们刚好及时赶到那里。We darn near didn't get there in time.我们差点没能及时赶到那里。She contrived to make it to the airport in time.她设法及时赶到了机场。He got to the station in the nick of time and caught the train.及时赶到车站,乘上了火车。I arrived just in time to see him win.我正好及时赶到看见他获胜。If you can't get to the airport in time, that's your tough luck.如果你不能及时赶到机场,那你活该倒霉。She put on a spurt to get to the station in time.她突然加速飞奔以及时赶到车站。We got to the station just in time.我们刚好及时赶到车站。I'd be surprised if they get here in time for the show.他们要是能及时赶到这里看演出那才怪呢。The fight ended only with the timely arrival of the police.由于警察及时赶到,打斗才得以终止。Only the timely arrival of the police prevented the situation from becoming worse.警方及时赶到才阻止了事态的恶化。The firefighters reached the burning house none too soon. 消防队员刚好及时赶到了着火的房子。By disregarding speed limits and passing red lights, we somehow got to the airport in time.我们不顾限速的规定并闯过红灯,总算及时赶到了机场。We got to the station/airport just in time.我们正好及时赶到车站/机场。They started early to the effect that they might get there in time.他们一早就动身了,以便能及时赶到那里。If only he arrives in time.但愿他能及时赶到I made it to the bus stop just in time, thank goodness.及时赶到了公共汽车站,真是谢天谢地。I got home just in time - it's starting to rain.我正好及时赶到家——随后就开始下雨了。He got to the airport just in time to catch the flight to Madrid.他正好及时赶到机场搭乘飞往马德里的航班。We'll never get there in time.我们绝对不可能及时赶到那里。A ship answering this SOS call arrived in time.一艘应这一紧急呼救信号而来的船只及时赶到




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